Anonymous ID: 542deb May 29, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6619717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No crimes committed by the Trump campaign to collude with Russian government on the 2016 presidential campaign.


No collusion, hence no crimes committed to collude.


Collusion is not a crime, anyway, so unless criminal activity was committed to manifest collusion, there is nothing in the burger.


Okay, but as Comey said, DJT was not the target of the investigation on collusion. So whether or not Mueller did not think it constitutional to indict a sitting president is an irrelevancy. If the campaign had committed crimes to collude, then, other individuals could have been indicted constitutionally and yet Mueller failed on that score as well.


That is no small point right there, Anons.


As far as indicting a sitting president, it could be done if the indictment was sealed and did not interfere with the President serving in office. If there was such an indictment it could not be discussed publicly – so Mueller has discussed the fact that he did not decide and so there is no indictment, secret or otherwise, as per his latest statement. This constitutional issue has not been decided before the Supreme Court, but it never came near to being a direct issue since the AG and the Assistant AG did not refer to the past guidance on that very issue. They did not need to because there was no evidence that would lead to an indictment anyway. Not of the sitting president.


And, I repeat, not of his fellow campaign associates.


Likewise for obstruction. No underlying crime. And given the high level of cooperation by the entire Trump World, there clearly was no hint of obstruction of the investigation – whether that be a criminal investigation or an intel investigation. There is nothing for Mueller to suggest has been left undone on these scores, as well.


Mueller should have written a two page description of his conclusions. No need to go through all the nonsense he listed in those two volumes in the report. That was all political haymaking. Nothing more than that.


There is no door open for impeachment proceedings but, if the Dems want to make this a do-over in a purely political process, then, they can wait for the upcoming presidential election and make that a referendum – a judgment on the previous election, if that is what they think is a top priority for their national role in the country.


Or they could fight the next election on their and the President;s records on the high issues of the day: the wall, illegal immigration, the economy, trade agreements, peace talks with N. Korea, military spending, infrastructure, and so forth. That is where the electorate would expect the appeal for votes to be made. Not reliving the past election.


Mueller's part may continue when his spending is audited and when his team players come under deep scrutiny for their behavior during the past two years. Tables are turned on them. Live by their own stated standards.


Likewise the Dems in DC. The table has been set.