Anonymous ID: 5823d4 May 29, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6619402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9415 >>9444 >>9454 >>9486 >>9491 >>9498 >>9653 >>9683 >>9698 >>9770 >>9775 >>9879 >>9979 >>0008

Anons, take a seat, pull up a chair, and let me tell you a little story.


Robert Mueller is a White Hat. Rod Rosenstein is a White Hat


The plan to "save humanity" was strategized a long time ago. The Q psychop great awakening implementation was devised long ago.


As Q has said, a plan like this has never been attempted before. It takes LOTS of help. MUCH is happening behind the scenes every single day. People we don't even know exist, nor do we know their names, are getting arrested and neutralized etc.


In order for this entire "draining of the swamp" to happen, the powers that be (Deep State) need to think they are in control still. Enter Robert Mueller. We argue daily on if Mueller is good or bad, dirty or honorable, and the answer is both. We use examples of his dirty deeds during FBI Director (9/11 cover up, Whitey Bulgar prosecutions, U1, etc) to justify he is a bad guy. Yes he was a bad guy, for a long time. He was also pulled into the swamp, threatened, blackmailed, and cohearsed to do terrible deeds. The swamp is an ugly place. He does not want to get killed or lose his family, etc, so he played along. He has blood on his hands, and mistakes to atone for.. and he got it.


Do the Special Counsel, provide a 2 year distraction (laser pointer as Q says), run interference, keep the Deep State at ease/bay because /theirguy/ (or so they think) is at the helm and will eventually "get" Trump. This is literally the only way the plan could have worked. It would not have worked if /ourguy/ (Trey Gowdy for example) was running a SC to investigate Trump. It had to be someone the Deep State trusts. This is why Jeff Sessions recused himself for a really stupid reason, so Deep State RR could be the one to create the SC. RR is a white hat, but Deep State still thinks he is /theirguy/. POTUS personally nominated RR for Dep AG… they dont even know each other. Think about the optics. Deep State sees it as /theirguy/ creating a special counsel and electing /theirguy/ to run it. As I said, the ONLY way this operation could have worked.


RR was Deep State, however he is playing his part for us and is a white hat now. Sure he was dirty in the past, but now he is useful. maybe he was never dirty by choice. Maybe he has always wanted a chance to atone for his dirty business….same as Mueller.


This is also why Mueller is always made to look dirty like he is going after POTUS. The plan requires it. Mueller will always look dirty…. so will RR. It has to be this way. And for those of you fooled by it, its proof the plan and optics worked.


For those of you complaining today and other days about why Mueller just doesnt come out and announce POTUS is innocent and did not obstruct..




Mueller has to appear "bad". He has to keep the Democrats chasing Trump. He is careful not to paint POTUS as guilty, but also careful not to indefinitely paint him as innocent. Not that the words or actions are Mueller's choice anyways.. he is reading his script in this movie


Don't worry about Mueller. The IG Report and DECLAS will leave no question unanswered. Once its discovered how this elaborate setup took place and was implemented, NOBODY will be worried about the gray area of POTUS possibly being guilty



Anonymous ID: 5823d4 May 29, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.6619573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, POTUS wants impeachment. He also wants to make sure he gets everyone on record who calls for it. Imagine if the optics if he gets impeached and then DECLAS shows the special counsel was illegally created anyways


That being said, NP doesnt want to impeach him. She is in a tough spot. She might be crazy (and drunk) but she isnt stupid. She knows POTUS wants impeachment (stamp of approval for his 2020 re-election), but the younger Dems (AOC and the palestinian and somalian and others) crying so loudly for impeachment have hijacked the party and got all the younger liberals on board. She cant just come out and say "no, no that is stupid, stop calling for impeachment".. there will be a break within the Dem party. She is trying to keep cohesion while quietly stopping the impeachment movement