Anonymous ID: 6d10d5 May 29, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6619711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9736 >>9761 >>9803

At this point I don't think any investigations into any DS party are real. Q is a psyop to scare/force the dems to bury themselves in the public eye, hence allowing Rs to take back control in house and get DJT re-elected. MAYBE, after that investigations begin. MAYBE if deals are made they won't. Trump wants to fix this country for sure, just needs to remove blockades and make sure this can't happen again. Arresting them all would backfire, especially now in the election cycle.


Barr is gray/black and and being forced back into AG role to scare the shit out of the dems etc. He had a cush job, why come back? MI (Q) forced him back to cover his ass.


Also, Trump does not know who Q is. Maybe has some limited communication but he does not know them (MI/NSA patriots probably). He is directed by them.


We will never know who they are.

Anonymous ID: 6d10d5 May 29, 2019, 12:30 p.m. No.6619772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9838


No one will hang. They will just use this shit to fire people and make new laws to "prevent" in future. Blah blah blah.


I can tell you one thing. Folks like me will not be happy if this is the case.


Maybe Q really wants civil war. Only way to weed these sick fucks out? We all know some…

Anonymous ID: 6d10d5 May 29, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6619840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9850


It has a purpose…to expose all of the shit these scum bags have done for 100+ years. It is an awakening of sorts.


However, how soon people forget and I fear if "Q" goes away, so does the movement.


Ultimately, it will be up to us to cleanse either by ballot or…


Look what's happening in Europe. I suppose it has worked to some degree.