Anonymous ID: 935a6c May 29, 2019, 12:37 p.m. No.6619879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9947 >>0019


>he plan to "save humanity" was strategized a long time ago. The Q psychop great awakening implementation was devised long ago.


Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Dr. Steve Pieczenik in December of 2012 warning the Hussian administration from withholding and distorting the Truth from we the people in order to maintain power. I'm not suggesting the Pieczenik is Q or even related to Q team, but his words back in 2012 gave me hope when none was around. There was no Trump, no Q (at least known to the public) and no Qresearch board. So, bottom-line is that there is no amount of shilling or concern fagging that can bring me down at this point. We are in a good place with a great POTUS and the show hasn't even started yet. If anons can't see the light a head, they never will.