Anonymous ID: 1b7084 May 29, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.6620247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0264

Irony or Hypocrisy?


Avowed atheists, nihilists and misanthropes are in a lifelong deadend marriage with anyone spouting virtue signals in the media, about "helping humanity" !


The gang who LOVE corruption more than responsibility, commandeered by the globalist, nation-wrecking agenda, pretends to be more compassionate, more caring about the people than the strawman opposition created by the Matrix!


All the while cheerleading mindlessly for the mindset of passive, willful ignorance which leads inevitably to the further enslavement, additional degradation and early death of these same people!


An army of narcissistic egotists, who have produced very little for the greater good, hell-bent on proving that their minds must be respected or else, browbeating real people (who have hearts and working minds) into conformity to the ancient goal of evil:


Submission of all not compromised by being in the hierarchy of sold out souls, to that very same decrepit power structure!


As always, it is those who identify with the superficial idea that being cynical is the only intellectually valid position, who are THE MOST GULLIBLE, CREDULOUS useful idiots to the monstroius creatures who are driving the human herd to its destruction!


Oh, and these same NPC’s spend ALL their leisure time, doggedly idolizing the low IQ news liars who TALK DOWN TO THEM all day long, treating them like naïve children to be browbeaten and conned with the fake authority card.




Those who thrive on being told that they are the smart ones and all non-media-Matrix believers are the unthinking ones, are the unthinking ones, trapped in a sticky sentimental trap, oblivious to the state of their own souls!


Useful idiots, intellectual-yet-idiot, minions indeed!