Anonymous ID: 5ab332 May 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6620451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0524 >>0714 >>0788

>>6619895 LB

Dig on Samantha Power


Have yet to check the archives on her; it's a given that she's been dug extensively in the past.


My theory is that the rabid warmonger Samantha's true loyalties lie way outside the United States, and initial research is supporting that theory. Am convinced that this neocon hawkish shrew is pure poison.


Her grandfather was a key figure within the Irish Republican Army. She's no different than Peter Strzok, with his upbringing/indoctrination coming straight from his family.


"Not bad for a girl from Dublin.


Power was born there in 1970 and at age nine immigrated to the United States. The Irish always have some skeletons in their closets. Sometimes the bones bring good news. The ambassador was shocked at what tales her skeletons had to tell.


Recently, on RTE’s Who Do You Think You Are? Power learned that she had a unique connection to revolutionary Michael Collins through her maternal great-grandfather, John Duffy. She learned on the TV show that her great-grandfather, a Royal Irish Constabulary [RIC] man in Athlone, County Westmeath, was secretly active in the Republican movement from early 1917, took orders from Collins, and even helped save him once from a British assassination attempt…. One of the reasons Collins was such a great leader is that he knew how to handle men (and women) and departmentalize his duties. In the years ahead, he would be head of the IRB, Minister for Finance, Commandant-General of the IRA, and Director of Intelligence of the IRA, just to name a few of his duties." (The entire story, and it's juicy, within the link)




Samantha's grandfather Collins wasn't the only activist in her ancestry:


"It also reveals how her paternal grandfather, Commandant James Power, was one of the key men charged with the fine balance of keeping Irish neutrality during World War II while a specialist intelligence officer in the Army." Yeah, mustn't be seen to collaborate with the Allies. Geez.


Pushing for UN expansion of its influence during her confirmation hearings in 2013


Sly examination of Power's equally globalist husband, Cass Sunstein. I want to find out what Sunstein has been doing lately (requesting dig)


"Former Obama Administration official Cass Sunstein is the husband of UN Ambassador Samantha Power and the propounder of such swell ideas as the government should battle conspiracy theorists by mounting secret conspiracies to hire agents provocateur to engage in “cognitive infiltration” of conspiracy theorist websites. In 2013, Sunstein wrote a column in favor of Bowling Alone entitled “Could Bowling Leagues and the PTA Breed Nazis?”


Oh dear Lord, check this examination of the oddball Sunstein. This guy is a 10/10 nutter.


"In a saner world, Sunstein would have read over his first draft and said to himself: "You know, people are just going to laugh at my Jewish Paranoia. Better come up with something less embarrassing. I mean, I'm the guy whose wife started a war in 2011, so it would be pretty comical for me to be publicly worrying about the Bowling Nazi menace."


Gawd. This piece isn't just full of crumbs; it's an entire bakery:


"There is a special breed or neocon female warmonger in the USA – chickenhawks who feed from crumbs of military industrial complex.


"… Though Power is a big promoter of the "responsibility to protect" or "R2P" she operates with glaring selectivity in deciding who deserves protection as she advances a neocon/liberal interventionist agenda. She is turning "human rights" into an excuse not to resolve conflicts but rather to make them bloodier. …"


"… Similarly, regarding Libya, Power was one of the instigators of the U.S.-supported military intervention in 2011 which was disguised as an "R2P" mission to protect civilians in eastern Libya where dictator Muammar Gaddafi had identified the infiltration of terrorist groups. …"

"… Urged on by then-National Security Council aide Power and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama agreed to support a military mission that quickly morphed into a "regime change" operation. Gaddafi's troops were bombed from the air and Gaddafi was eventually hunted down, tortured and murdered. …"

Anonymous ID: 5ab332 May 29, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.6620548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0557 >>0577




Absolutely fantastic, anon.

Compliments to you for keeping the design clean, uncluttered and simple.

It'll keep the page both easy to read AND easy to maintain.


Outstanding work!

Anonymous ID: 5ab332 May 29, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6620557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0577 >>0595




Now if somebody could please fucking explain why that link automatically reposted itself as that BS link, I'd appreciate it.


I smell the stink of shills.

Anonymous ID: 5ab332 May 29, 2019, 1:57 p.m. No.6620676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0756



Atlantafag here

Far and away, the most ludicrously oversized Palace of Versailles under construction in the entire State of Georgia is Tyler Perry's place.


Check out the ridiculous fountain in the front drive. It's the same of a football field.


Google turns up another listing, but that's just his FORMER home. The new one makes the old one look like a shack.


To find it on Google Earth, track down the old Fort McPherson, then wander around a bit until you see the gargantuan construction site.


Probably could stand a dig on Tyler Perry connections (Epstein? DNC? Clinton Foundation? Panama Papers?)

Anonymous ID: 5ab332 May 29, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6620756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0765



That story is 100% wrong

Tyler Perry's huge house under construction isn't near his studios on the old Fort McPherson property

It's about 20 miles west of Atlanta, off I-20 near Lithia Springs.

Landmark to search: Factory Shoals Middle School

The construction site is right next to the school property.

Scroll northeast from the school and you'll see the landing strip on the property. Due east from the landing strip is the house.