Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.6620097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0274 >>0286 >>0356 >>0379 >>0536

Office of Inspector General Finds Top FBI Official Illegally Leaked to Media – Including Sensitive Info Sealed by Fed Courts – DOJ Declines Prosecution


The Office of Inspector General announced Wednesday findings of misconduct by an FBI Deputy Assistant Director for “unauthorized contacts with the media, disclosing law enforcement and other sensitive information to the media, and accepting a gift from the media.”


Despite the fact that this senior FBI official, who was not named in the summary, clearly broke multiple laws, the Department of Justice declined to prosecute the individual.


The OIG investigation concluded that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD: (1) disclosed to the media the existence of information that had been filed under seal in federal court, in violation of 18 USC § 401, Contempt of Court; (2) provided without authorization FBI law enforcement sensitive information to reporters on multiple occasions; and (3) had dozens of official contacts with the media without authorization, in violation of FBI policy. The OIG also found that the DAD engaged in misconduct when the DAD accepted a ticket, valued at approximately $225, to attend a media-sponsored dinner, as a gift from a member of the media, in violation of federal regulations and FBI policy.


Even though this high ranking FBI official leaked sensitive information, including the existence of information that had been filed under seal in federal court multiple times, they were still not charged.


“Prosecution of the Deputy Assistant Director was declined,” the OIG stated.


If the FBI can’t police itself, how can we expect the agency, which is revered as the premiere law enforcement agency to police us? Where is the justice?


Laws are for the little people!

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6620110   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PIMCO: "This Is The Riskiest Credit Market Ever, Central Banks' Control Over Markets Is Coming To An End"


The world's largest bond manager is getting extremely worried about two things that it knows a lot about i) the overall market and ii) the bond market in particular.


Speaking to Bloomberg TV, Scott Mather, chief investment officer of U.S. core strategies at Pimco, joined a bevy of other money managers and warned, in no uncertain terms, that credit market risk is at an all-time high.


"We have probably the riskiest credit market that we have ever had" in terms of size, duration, quality and lack of liquidity, Mather said, adding that the current situation compares risk to mid-2000s, just before the financial crisis.


"We see it in the build up in corporate leverage, the decline in credit quality, and declining underwriting standards - all this late-cycle credit behavior we began to see in 2005 and 2006." One way of visualizing what Mather was referring to is the following chart of corporate debt to GDP which has never been higher. As for the lack of creditor protections, well, just wait until the screams of anger start after the next wave of bankruptcies.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6620136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0444 >>0714 >>0788

The Trump 'Secret Server' Hoax Was a Subplot of the DNC Spygate Strategy to Foment the Russia Collusion Conspiracy


The “secret Trump-Alfa Bank servers communication” is a piece of Spygate that demonstrates the mechanics of the operation. It also shows that the Steele report was purely a product of Fusion GPS, manufactured to support and/or exploit DNC public messaging and FBI/CIA operations against the Trump campaign. No intelligence collection was involved in the “Steele dossier” preparation.


This hoax was executed by DNC contractors — the Perkins Coie law firm and Fusion GPS (with the aid of the DNC loyalists in the FBI) between August and October of 2016. Somebody connected to the DNC and/or Fusion GPS produced an “oppo research” report alleging that Trump was communicating with “Putin-tied Alfa Bank” through a secret server with the DNS logs purportedly confirming that.


The claims are obvious nonsense, both the technical part and the legend of the non-partisan origin of the “research.” But Fusion GPS injected purported evidence (alleged “Alpha” Bank-Putin connections) into the Steele report, which was widely disseminated within the intelligence community and the media. Purported “DNS logs” evidence was injected by Perkins Coie directly into the FBI, and by Fusion GPS into the media. The FBI investigated these “leads” and leaked that information. The media reported what Fusion GPS pitched, although many expressed skepticism about it. But that was enough to create an echo chamber.


The DNS Logs


Amongst all the hoaxes created and promoted by the DNC and its contractors (Fusion GPS, CrowdStrike, and Perkins Coie), the “Trump server talking to Alfa Bank server” is the most obviously absurd one. It was so absurd that even the Washington Post rejected it. Nevertheless, the FBI investigated and refused to call it out as a hoax, and probably used it as a pretext to wiretap Trump Tower. Mueller also used this hoax and its accompanying fake oppo research, mentioning the family of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to harass her brother, Erik Prince.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6620166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0182 >>0420 >>0444 >>0714 >>0788

Bolton Alleges Iran Maritime Sabotage But Evidence Points Elsewhere


The accusations against Iran come only weeks after US mine-laying ships and divers ran drills in the same area that the alleged sabotage incidents took place.


ABU DHABI, U.A.E. — On Wednesday, National Security Advisor John Bolton told a group of reporters in Abu Dhabi that “naval mines almost certainly from Iran” had been used to conduct the alleged “sabotage” attack on four commercial vessels off the coast of the United Arab Emirates’ port of Fujairah earlier this month. “There is no doubt in anybody’s mind in Washington who is responsible for this and I think it’s important that the leadership in Iran know that we know,” Bolton continued, providing no evidence for his claim.


Bolton is currently in Abu Dhabi ahead of an “emergency” summit scheduled for Thursday in Saudi Arabia, where top U.S. and allied Arab officials will “discuss the implications of the tanker attacks, and drone strikes two days later, on oil pumping stations in the kingdom.”


The murkiness that still surrounds what caused this tanker “sabotage,” as well as the very limited extent of the alleged damage, suggests that this poorly executed incident either did not go as planned or that it was a freak accident that has now been manipulated for weeks by the U.S. and its regional allies for political gain. However, Iran is far from being the clear culprit, especially given that three foreign militaries — including the U.S. Navy — concluded a mine warfare naval drill just weeks before the “sabotage” incident occurred.


MintPress previously reported on the tanker “sabotage” attacks soon after they occurred and noted that neither the UAE or the Saudis had cast blame for the incident on any country and that the damage caused was relatively minor with no casualties. In fact, the incident was so minor that the local government of Fujairah had initially denied that any “sabotage” had taken place and maintained that its port facilities were operating normally.


Only the U.S. had cast blame prior to Bolton’s statements, with the “initial assessment” of a group of U.S. military investigators rapidly concluding that Iran or “proxies sympathetic to or working for Iran” had used explosives to damage the four commercial vessels. Public evidence to support that claim has been minimal and, at times, counter to the official narrative. For instance, one of the Saudi vessels allegedly targeted, Al Marzoqah, was seen floating without any visible damage in post-attack footage taken by Sky News, even though the Saudis had claimed that the vessel had sustained “significant damage.” One U.S. official told the Associated Press that each of the four ships had sustained a 5- to 10-foot hole near or just below the water line, but only one such hole has been observed in just one of the targeted ships.


Iran has consistently denied any involvement in the incident, with Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi warning against a “conspiracy orchestrated by ill-wishers” and “adventurism by foreigners.”



Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:07 p.m. No.6620182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0444 >>0714 >>0788



The naval exercise was one of the first major naval exercises of the Fifth Fleet to take place after the sudden, mysterious death of the fleet’s commander, Admiral Scott Stearney, last December. Stearney was found dead in his home in Bahrain and the death has been labeled an “apparent suicide” and is still being jointly investigated by the Navy and Bahrain, with no new conclusions nearly six months after the fact. Stearney was known for opposing a major escalation with Iran even though he was routinely critical of what he called Iran’s “destabilizing” role in the region.


The presence of foreign, particularly U.S., mine-laying ships and divers in the region close to the same time frame as the “sabotage” incident makes it a definite possibility that the mines in question could have been American, British or French — not Iranian — in origin. In that case, the mines either could have been accidentally left over from that drill or intentionally set after the fact, given that the hardware and specialized naval vessels used in deploying mines were all present at the time of the “sabotage” incident.


While the evidence for this is circumstantial, it is worth pointing out that the same evidence being used to link Iran to the same mines is just as circumstantial and arguably less convincing, given the lack of any benefit derived from this “sabotage” attack from the Iranian point of view.


A poor man’s Gulf of Tonkin?


While it is far from certain where these mines originated or who placed them, it is clear that there is hardly any substantial evidence — based on what is publicly available — that would link the mines directly to Iran or an “Iran-backed proxy.” The small scale of the attack, the alleged use of “unmarked boats,” the timing, and the lack of any strategic or tactical benefit from the attack make the Iranian government and its military an unlikely culprit.



Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6620207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syria Ambassador Jaafari at UN Security Council: “Words may Lie, but Actions will always Tell the Truth”


At the UN Security Council meeting on May 28, 2019, Syria’s permanent representative Dr. Bashar Jaafari called upon foreign military forces to withdraw from Syria?


But who are these foreign military forces?


How to compel the United States and its allies to withdraw their mercenaries from Syria, who are invariably referred to by the Western media as “opposition forces”?


Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Bashar Jaafari delivered one of his usual strong statements during the latest meeting of the United Nations Security Council on 28 May 2019.


He highlighted the hypocrisy and lies of the western P3: US, UK, and France, and called on the UN Security Council to carry out its duties as per the UN Charter, International Law, and the Security Council’s own resolutions.


Transcript of the English translation of Dr. Jaafari’s statement at the UNSC 8535th meetings on 28 May 2018:


Thank you, Mr. President,


Allow me first to welcome the dear friend deputy of the Minister of Russian Federation Foreign Affairs to this session and to thank him for the valuable explanations he just presented.


Mr. President,


The English proverb says, and I quote: “Words may lie, but actions will always tell the truth”, and the truth which is no more hidden for everybody is that the suffering of the Syrian people is caused by the crimes of the multi-named terrorist organizations, and with different loyalties, and the foreign terrorist fighters in its ranks, in addition to the direct aggression crimes, the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the US-coalition and its tools, and its proxy militias, which it accompanied it with an economical barbarian terror.


And the truth which is no longer invisible to anyone is that the humanitarian matter has been used from the beginning by governments of member states in this Council, and outside this Council, as a tool to target my country, and to tarnish the efforts of the Syrian state’s institutions, attempting to distort its image and incite public opinion against it.


How can anyone believe that, in this way, what the governments of these countries claim in their mocking statements stems from the concern for the safety of the Syrian people?


How long will your Council remain incapable of upholding the principles of international law and the Charter and compel those aggressor States to cease and hold accountable their aggressive practices against my country?


Some colleagues pointed to the situation in Idlib. In my statement to you on 17 of this month, I explained the reality of the situation there under the control of the Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) terrorist organization.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6620234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0249

Trump Pardoning War Criminals, Prosecuting Whistleblowers


“What is the message to the soldiers and to the world if blatant war criminals are pardoned, while Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are severely persecuted for exposing war crimes?” — Gerry Condon, Veterans for Peace


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has already made clear his soft spot for war criminals, having brought one – Elliot Abrams – into his administration. Then, earlier this month, Trump pardoned Army First Lieutenant Michael Behenna. Now, reports indicate Trump is just getting started.


And while Trump appears to be making moves to pardon more war criminals, those who have exposed war crimes, including whistleblower Chelsea Manning and journalist Julian Assange, are charged with contempt of court and espionage.


Lieutenant Behenna was sentenced to 15 years behind bars in 2009 for shooting a man to death who had been stripped naked and interrogated in connection with a roadside bomb.


The American Civil Liberties Union wrote:


This pardon is a presidential endorsement of a murder that violated the military’s own code of justice.


Military leaders, including Trump as commander-in-chief, should prevent war crimes — not endorse or excuse them.”

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6620287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0360 >>0374

Florida governor, Cabinet sued over plans to meet in Israel


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — An open-government watchdog group and several news outlets sued Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and members of the Cabinet on Tuesday in an effort to stop them from holding a Cabinet meeting while on a trade mission in Israel.


The lawsuit argues that the meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, violates the state's constitution and open-government laws, which require that Cabinet sessions be open to the public. Florida residents who don't happen to be in Israel won't be able to attend, and the meeting's planned location, at the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, has generated security concerns that will further restrict access.


The lawsuit was filed by The First Amendment Foundation, Gannett Co., Gatehouse Media and the owners of the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times. The Associated Press and other news outlets plan to join the suit.


The meeting was organized as part of a trade mission DeSantis is leading with a delegation of nearly 100 business leaders, lawmakers, state university officials and others. The governor's office wouldn't comment on the lawsuit, but has labeled the meeting as "ceremonial."


That doesn't matter, said First Amendment Foundation President Barbara Petersen.


"The fact that there even saying, 'Oh, it's only ceremonial, therefore we don't have to open it to the public' shows to me a basic misunderstanding of the Sunshine Law," Petersen said. "This has nothing to do with the trade mission. This has everything to do with our Cabinet holding a meeting in a foreign county. And I don't care if they were holding the meeting in Montana, I'd have the same concern."


The lawsuit seeks an order to stop the meeting. If a judge doesn't act on time, then it seeks to have the meeting declared a violation of state law and to void any actions taken during the gathering. The members of the Cabinet are Attorney General Ashley Moody, Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis and Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried.


Fried said she hopes the Cabinet meeting will follow the spirit of accessibility.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:38 p.m. No.6620485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian, Russian Air Forces Stepped Up Aerial Operations Over Greater Idlib In Last 48 Hours


The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Forces expanded their aerial operations to include new areas around Idlib on May 28 and 29.


According to the Enab Baladi outlet, Syrian and Russian warplanes have begun to conduct airstrikes on the militant-held part of the western Aleppo countryside. The strategic towns of Kafr Halab and al-Atarib were both targeted in the last few hours.


Opposition news outlets and activists released several videos showing Syrian and Russian airstrikes on western Aleppo, southern Idlib and northern Hama.


These intense Syrian and Russian airstrikes may indicate that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is planning to resume its ground advance in northern Hama soon, or even launch a new operation in western Aleppo.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.6620627   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This Is Not “Normal”: There Have Been More Than 500 Tornadoes In The U.S. During The Last 30 Days


The mainstream media has been using the term “uncharted territory” to describe the unusual tornado outbreaks that have been happening in the middle of the country, but I don’t think that truly captures the historic nature of what we are witnessing. Over the last 30 days, there have been more than 500 tornadoes in the United States. That is not normal. In fact, Tuesday was the 12th day in a row when at least eight tornadoes were spawned, and that is a new all-time record. Community after community in the Midwest now looks like a “war zone”, and billions upon billions of dollars of damage has already been done. But this crisis is far from over, because forecasters are telling us that more powerful storms will roar through the middle of the country on Wednesday.


Since 1998, there has been an average of 279 tornadoes during the month of May. So the fact that we have had more than 500 over the last 30 days means that we are running way, way above normal…


In the last week alone, the authorities have linked tornadoes to at least seven deaths and scores of injuries. Federal government weather forecasters logged preliminary reports of more than 500 tornadoes in a 30-day period — a rare figure, if the reports are ultimately verified — after the start of the year proved mercifully quiet.


The barrage continued Tuesday night, as towns and cities across the Midwest took shelter from powerful storms. Tornadoes carved a line of devastation from eastern Kansas through Missouri, ripping trees and power lines in Lawrence, Kan., southwest of Kansas City, and pulverizing houses in nearby Linwood.

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 1:55 p.m. No.6620656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0685 >>0714 >>0788

Liberal Mayor of Sunland Park Issues Cease and Desist Order Against “We Build the Wall” — Founder Brian Kolfage Responds


For months the liberal media mocked “We Build the Wall” founder and organizer Brian Kolfage and his noble plan to use private donations to help build the much-needed security wall between the US and Mexico. Brian raised over $20 million in private donations from over 260,000 individuals to build a border wall on the US southern border.

This Memorial Day Weekend the “We Build the Wall” organization built their first half mile of border wall near El Paso, Texas.


Why does someone in Mexico operate the City of Sunland Park’s government Facebook page?! Who is working with the cartels here? Call them and ask. (575) 589-7565

Anonymous ID: 7e7505 May 29, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6620701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Highly likely’ is the new evidence: Five times Western officials had no proof but media fell for it


When throwing out serious accusations, it’s always good to back up one’s claims with proof, but the need for evidence seems to have gone out the window lately, replaced with assertions like “highly likely” and “almost certainly.”


From the serious to the absurd, the list of crimes and oddities which Western governments and experts have assigned blame for sans evidence or investigation, seems to be growing exponentially in recent years.


The media, which could have learned a thing or two from the illegal invasion of Iraq – a war launched based on fabricated evidence – seems to be fairly accepting of the lax standards.


Here’s five times the mere say-so of authorities was enough to pin blame.

Iran ‘almost certainly’ attacked Saudi tankers


US National Security Advisor John Bolton claimed this week that Iran was “almost certainly” behind a recent attack on ships, including two Saudi oil tankers, in the Gulf of Oman. Not one for detail, Bolton declined to offer actual evidence to back up the allegation.


The tankers incident happened shortly after the US claimed (also without offering evidence) that Iran might be preparing to attack US interests in the region – a claim that was immediately parroted by a CNN reporter, who was summarily schooled by Twitter users reminding her that war-enthusiasts like Bolton perhaps aren’t the best sources of truthful information.


‘Highly likely’ Russia poisoned Skripal


British Prime Minister Theresa May barely waited until the doctors had examined Sergei and Yulia Skripal before accusing Russia of being behind their poisoning last March. May quickly rallied Western governments, prompting a mass expulsion of Russian diplomats without providing any actual evidence of Moscow’s guilt. She emphatically told Parliament that Russia was“highly likely” the culprit. Mainstream media, of course, instantly jumped on that bandwagon and dissenting voices were banished from the airwaves.


Beluga whale ‘most likely’ spying for Putin


In April, Western media was hysterical over the discovery of a Beluga whale “with suspected Russian military ties.” The whale, spotted by a fisherman in Norwegian waters, was wearing a harness, which led to suggestions that some nefarious Russian activity was going on. One expert at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsoe took a leaf out of the CIA’s book, telling the media that the whale was “most likely” trained by Russia for military purposes. The claim was repeated ad nauseam until it was countered by another Norwegian report that the whale could actually have been trained to entertain children. Oops!?


Assad ‘highly likely’ responsible for Douma


Syrian President Bashar Assad was “highly likely” responsible for a chemical attack on the city of Douma in 2018, according to the British government. The incident was used as an easy pretext for US, British and French bombing in Syria. Surely, they would never lie to us? Well, a report leaked by OPCW engineers earlier this month contradicts the official narrative on the Douma attack, its findings implying that it could have been a staged provocation designed to justify Western bombing.


NotPetya cyber attack ‘almost certainly’ Russia


Both the US and British governments also blamed Russia (surprise!) for the so-called NotPetya cyber attack which hit companies and government systems around the world in 2017, with London saying Moscow was "almost certainly" behind it.


Several Russian companies were also targeted in the attack and officials never gave evidence or explained why the attack was instantly blamed on Russia.


But, while government officials, experts and the media often happen to point the finger without evidence, it's "highly likely" that they aren't always correct.