Anonymous ID: bca593 May 29, 2019, 1:30 p.m. No.6620404   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RBG related. We know RBG survided pancreatic cancer, which has a low survival rate.


Then this pops into the news.


Trebek has pancreatic cancer. He was going to die. Now he's possibly going into remission.


Chemotherapy? Does anyone really believe that? Maybe Trebek is just very very lucky, What would Q say?


RBG had surgery for hers. (organ transplant?)

Anonymous ID: bca593 May 29, 2019, 1:48 p.m. No.6620576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you for your hard work anon. I bookmarked it. I really like that you kept the anon's comments and why they thought that news was important, which is equally important IMHO. Example "Uber deleted accounts of low rated riders" where the anon ties that to Chinese social rating system.