Anonymous ID: bcd1e7 May 29, 2019, 1:05 p.m. No.6620164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0190 >>0199 >>0218 >>0236 >>0254 >>0373 >>0411

Lets focus here for a second:


  1. RM announced "surprise" press conference

  2. It was clear that WH knEW about this in advance

  3. So this was surprise for MSM and Dems

  4. RM looked scared, nervous, it was like he is afraid of something


Now, what can be concluded:


  1. He basically retired, announced that he want to live "normal" life. You can say that he had enough.

  2. He repeated that there was no evidence.

  3. He told that he will not testify

  4. And most important, the throw a FUCKING BONE to MSM and Dems


Now, why did he do that?

We can assume that Barr know the whole truth.

Declass is incoming.

This is some high chess game.


Potus in Japan.

Kushner in Middle east.

May resign.

Macron and Merkel fight.

China trade war

EU elections

Israel not able to form coalition.

A lot of stuff WW.


So, we can assume that this is BIG preparation for DECLASS.

Not only normies, but also smart Anons dont have enough time to process everything in a such short time.

Now this flaming man, another distraction.


And today was JFK born.


This is beyond everyone.

A very small number of people have all informations,

Everyone else can just wait, and guess.


But BOOMS are coming 100%

Anonymous ID: bcd1e7 May 29, 2019, 1:31 p.m. No.6620410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0452 >>0458

I am just sitting here, letting everything just wash over me, and took the throttle off of my mind.


And it occurred to me:


We are witnessing Cheyne-Stokes respirations of the dying complex organism of government subversion of it’s Constitutional power/mandate/authority.


Cheyne-Stokes respirs are an agonal respiratory pattern in a patient who is progressing through the final dying process. They are hard to watch, and I always get an order from my doc for IV morphine, and provide comfort measures to minimize the effect on the patient, but tor my family members as well.


Very had to watch.


But this organism is evil. This needs to be an execution. Also hard to watch, but necessary in this case. For all the reasons each of us feel in our hearts. Because we all love our country.


And this MUST be carried out.


Have faith and pray for our country, and I earnestly hope that, no matter the political leanings of each citizen, we will be able to comprehend what has happened so we may immunize our system to prevent this terrible disease from infecting us ever again.

Anonymous ID: bcd1e7 May 29, 2019, 1:35 p.m. No.6620460   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just not sure what some of you are expecting.


You are never satisfied with what PDJT and his team are doing.


Mueller’s press conference ticks us all off. But what some of you seem to forget or fail to recognize is that he admitted defeat, packed it in and only just left the anti-PDJT forces a little field position to attempt their hail mary attempt to impeach the President.


And half of the impeachment talk is just that, talk. It stirs their base to donate, click and view. Just like some on our side like to engender our emotions to try to seduce us into the same behavior, especially over immigration or failure to act quickly enough to punish the DS.


Really, today is a day to have a muted celebration, sigh and roll our eyes at Mueller and the anti-PDJT forces and just wait to see what our VSG PDJT and his team (including Barr) does now.


They have thrown in the towel, just kicking and screaming. Lets trust PDJT, I know I do.