Anonymous ID: 7eb3ac May 29, 2019, 3:20 p.m. No.6621358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

dissecting Mueller's statement

He said " Hey Dems, I gave you all that I could justify giving you to impeach and I am reiterating the good portions for you in this 8 minute statement"

"If you call me to testify, I will not say anything more and you risk getting me on record saying the portions that don't support impeachment when asked questions by repubs"

" I can't remove Trump from office so you will have to use what I gave you to try to remove him a different way. I have no hidden indictments up my sleeve and I'm hanging the closed sign on my door"

Anonymous ID: 7eb3ac May 29, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6621593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nation waited to get the Mueller report to find out if Trump would be indicted as many Democrat leaders suggested and outright said.

We held 2018 mid term elections wondering if indictments were coming.

Mueller ( according to him ) never intended to indict Trump because of the OLC policy. Mueller allowed 2018 elections to carry on under false cloud of impending indictment or possible pending indictment. Meanwhile he was the only one that knew it was a false cloud because he could not indict.

Mueller corrected the record twice when misinformation was being put out in the media but otherwise remained silent.

The biggest misinformation being played out was Mueller's power to indict a sitting president. Mueller's belief that he would come to a conclusion a crime was committed.

Mueller did more damage to our election process with misinformation than the Russians that he charged did.

Mueller needs to answer why he corrected a false media narrative twice but failed to address the biggest and longest false narrative