Anonymous ID: f1906b May 29, 2019, 2:32 p.m. No.6621003   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sheesh… A bit of insight:


Grand Juries and 'Special Councils' do not decide whether or not someone is guilty. They determine only if there is enough evidence to proceed with a trial.

The reason exculpatory evidence can be with-held from them (or otherwise SHOULD be ignored) is because it is the job of the court to determine guilt.


Consider a case where there is ample evidence to indict - but the state declines to prosecute and the case never goes to trial. The person appears "guilty as sin" - but a case where the exculpatory evidence is outlined never manifests - and so the would-be-defendant remains a crook by perception.

Where there is sufficient evidence to bring a case, the state is morally obligated to try that case where the defendant must be proved guilty or deemed not guilty, rather than leaving the issue to the imaginations of the public or artistic liberties of media.


Apply that here. Mueller said, in so many words, this. He can't indict the President. Nor can Barr. Congress, however, can pass articles of impeachment and send the case to trial at the Senate.

This is why Maxine and Pelosi are both backing away from impeachment. Maxine, especially, is now calling for Trump to resign.

This is an old game. "We will take you to court and appeal and appeal and appeal" - to their kangaroo courts. "But if you just resign…." It's a settle-out-of-court agreement to try and save one's self the hassle of court cases.


So, be careful what you wish for. President Trump has no fear of taking this through impeachment. Either they accept no collusion or they push the impeachmebt/obstruction narrative. If they go for impeachment, they have to go on the record as voting or skipping town.


AOC is doing a wonderful job of keeping the pressure on. If they want her voter demographic, they need to pursue impeachment - or explain why they got cold feet.

Everything is according to plan.

Anonymous ID: f1906b May 29, 2019, 2:46 p.m. No.6621124   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was a ploy.

They thought they could drag this out and either force Trump to resign or create enough of a stir/scandal to make him lose the election.


Mueller dragged his investigation out, preventing a cascade of additional investigations and claims (that would have come ahead of mid-terms). All they have is the Mueller report to work with, and they aren't getting more investigations as the rhetoric has been for Impeachment this whole time, and Mueller is just vague enough to allow them to try it.


They either have to push impeachment or have to accept no collusion. They can't have it any other way, and no matter what, the investigation into the FISA warrants is ongoing.

Nothing can stop it. Heads President Trump wins, Tails the Democrats lose.


The only "other" action they could take is to commit sepuku, but that requires a sense of honor and the intelligence to realize you are going to lose and there is no gimmick to escape.

Anonymous ID: f1906b May 29, 2019, 2:51 p.m. No.6621166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mueller is going to be indicted for his actions regarding U1. Huber.

He needs the evidence found through discovery and declass to demonstrate he did what he was supposed to do.


Consider why so many shills push the dirty cop narrative in the face of the democrats' behavior. It's displacement. The goal of propaganda is to displace anger and irritation onto a designated target.