Anonymous ID: 1b6cbb May 29, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.6622054   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>One thing I know: bakers are servants, the ones I work with are tireless in their devotion to QResearch.


>By their fruits ye shall know them


well said baker.

Anonymous ID: 1b6cbb May 29, 2019, 4:52 p.m. No.6622092   🗄️.is 🔗kun


looks to me like a baker/anon put hours upon hours into a bread about Information Warfare and felt so inclined to self-include one link to it into the dough. I wouldn't go so far as to say that is subversive.

Anonymous ID: 1b6cbb May 29, 2019, 5:20 p.m. No.6622347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2379

FWIW, whoever put the donationssoon wordfilter has a healthy amount of skepticism, and a kek was had when I first saw that. anons all should be wary of outside websites creeping in and scooping up users/IPs/eyeballs. However, changing it back to with no filter, quickly and taking anons criticism - good move. Upon further inspection that site doesnt seem shilly and paytriot tier, but eyes should be kept vigilant watch on it.