Anonymous ID: 273ffa May 29, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.6621819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2394



>This is all true, and there’s more, unfortunately. A lot more.

>The circumstances behind 8bit’s being let go are more complicated than we let on.

>We soft-served it for the stability of the board and the movement, and so we could give our friend a good send-off.


I will choose to give both the benefit of the doubt.

I seek to know all there was, is, will be.

On The Mountain of Wisdom no knowledge is forbidden, only certain practices.

I would be inclined to request a bit more clarification regarding these statements.

If there is a reason so truly upsetting to the balance of Light, would 1 allude without full disclosure?

The Light will reveal all…


>But he’s been using his global mod status to subvert the board and the movement, working with a new “bakers union.”

>Breaking rules of conflict of interest that will, most likely, cost him his position as we inform CM of these events.


Would it be too much to ask for proof of the 'Bakers Union'?

In the words of Q;



>We admins on the current team have been fighting subversive infiltrators since the beginning.

>We are a strong team who work tirelessly for our country, for POTUS.


This is not to goad you, far from it, but I am going to ask why this choice of wording?

If 8Bit originally created this board, how can the context of 'infiltrators' be used in this case?


>And we will continue serving this community and Q to our utmost.


Only your choices of the future will prove this.

All things eventually come to Light.

Much love, 1 and all…

Anonymous ID: 273ffa May 29, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.6622394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2406



>Q has always been the arbiter. Only Q will determine whether there is a compromise situation.

>I don't know enough, but "secret goings on above you head" sounds a lot like the BS we get from the intel community.


This is truth in it's purest form.

Much love.




>I am not affiliated with any bakers union, and am not in contact with anyone at all.


I desire to see proof of the 'bakers union'.

Until then it is hearsay.

All things flow with the balance of probability.




Could you please answer my questions (if possible) when you get a moment;
