Anonymous ID: 27f064 May 29, 2019, 4:01 p.m. No.6621626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647 >>1649 >>1650 >>1659 >>1661 >>1663 >>1664 >>1667 >>1677 >>1681 >>1687 >>1694 >>1710 >>1717 >>1718 >>1734 >>1745 >>1756 >>1758 >>1761 >>1773 >>1782 >>1797 >>1804 >>1819 >>1827 >>1855 >>1865 >>1866 >>1916 >>1927 >>1931 >>1980 >>2005 >>2013 >>2029 >>2058 >>2098 >>2130 >>2149 >>2180 >>2189 >>2248 >>2290 >>2311

>>6621515 lb

This is 8bit, abusing his position as global mod of 8chan after agreeing to step down as BO of /qresearch/ and not to interfere in our business.

>>6621251 lb

>Ask him about Eneda Xhambazi, AKA Full Moon Baker. Come on 8bit, tell everybody how you comped the board for some pussy. Tell them all why you were fired.

This is all true, and there’s more, unfortunately. A lot more.

The circumstances behind 8bit’s being let go are more complicated than we let on.

We soft-served it for the stability of the board and the movement, and so we could give our friend a good send-off.

But he’s been using his global mod status to subvert the board and the movement, working with a new “bakers union.”

Breaking rules of conflict of interest that will, most likely, cost him his position as we inform CM of these events.

We admins on the current team have been fighting subversive infiltrators since the beginning.

We are a strong team who work tirelessly for our country, for POTUS.

And we will continue serving this community and Q to our utmost.

Attacks have intensified.

We march on.

Anonymous ID: 27f064 May 29, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6621953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1972 >>1991 >>1997 >>2010 >>2016 >>2037 >>2052 >>2069 >>2103 >>2180 >>2253 >>2300


>my personal speculation was that

>the BVs team forced him out

>due to some kind of unresolvable conflict

We did not force him out.

He resigned.

He agreed he'd fucked up and was not able to take care of the board.

He tasked all four of us with doing it, hired every one of us himself.


>see the pickle we're in?

We do.

Keep in mind, Q is aware of all that happens here.

They were aware of the how and why of 8bit's fall as well.

We know and trust that Q team will speak up if they feel the need to move boards.

At the end of the day, we’re still just patriotic anons like you figuring this shit out as we go.

We’ll continue working to safeguard the board until we’re tapped out.

Anonymous ID: 27f064 May 29, 2019, 4:54 p.m. No.6622104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2117 >>2122 >>2128 >>2132 >>2175 >>2180 >>2183 >>2189 >>2211 >>2329 >>2394


>not a grand idea to have this out in public, for any of you.

Agreed. We tried to keep the drama to a minimum, it does no favors to Q or the board.

But 8bit agreed to step down without trouble and didn't keep his end of the deal.


>Did you ever think You would be the division shill here dude?

>Stop while you have a shred of self-respect left.


For Q, the board, and yourself bro.