Anonymous ID: 34c733 May 29, 2019, 4:20 p.m. No.6621804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1842 >>1853 >>1858 >>1867 >>1868 >>1887 >>1888 >>1892 >>1898 >>1905 >>1918 >>1942 >>1947 >>1956 >>1969 >>2026 >>2049 >>2073 >>2075 >>2166 >>2176 >>2189 >>2394


You guys attacked me first by posting on /pol/.

I am not affiliated with any bakers union, and am not in contact with anyone at all.

If we are talking about unions, how about BO's discord server, or the exclusive secret one only the cool kids get to hang out in while you secretly talk shit about all of the anons here and laugh at them for having troubles with captchas, allow shills to bake then say all your bakers are shills. You guys shit on everyone, destroy the board slowly, and start witch hunts against your own bakers. Hell even me now. Shit now it looks like you're even doxxing bakers!


It's pretty revealing what one month of BO authority has done to you guys. You have completely become two-faced.


My job is to deal with illegal content, which one of you moderators were caught posting. That one instance with BV being fired wasn't initially caught by me, but they are obviously blaming me for it anyways, but we had hundreds of global reports on that post. Everyone saw it.


I kept quiet as to avoid pointless division and drama. 99% of my time is spent on the tens of thousands of other boards here cleaning LITERAL FUCKING CHILD PORN from this site, in order to keep it alive. So go ahead and start a pointless war against 8chan. I have much more important shit to do.