Anonymous ID: 710e1f May 29, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6621999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2030

Thinking about Jared Kushner's planned appearance at the Bilderberg Traitors' Meeting. It's like a "Surrender Dorothy" warning sent by our President. Will he have those criminals sweating, and trembling in their red Ferragamo loafers?

An Anon previously posted this video of him at the "2019 Time 100 Summit":

Surprised by and quite proud of his performance. Compare his elegant and succinct responses to the craven idiot interviewing him.

Not chatty. In complete command of the situation.

Quietly intense and focused. Voluble. Brilliant explanation of facts and plans. A man who seeks to get the job done—at his own considerable financial expense— he is not there for attention or accolades.

Autism spectrum, high end?

Seems like a great man to depend upon behind the scenes in the Machiavellian world of Power grabs.

And he was raised in their world.


Git 'em, Jared: