Anonymous ID: d7bce9 May 29, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.6622118   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bannon is a fascinating, brilliant, and enigmatic creature. Liberals are terrified of him.


Required reading:


And viewing:


Profiled by none other than Cosmo (I suppose this supports my spouseanon's view that Bannon is a hunk, but that is neither here nor there. Estrogen is a hell of a drug.)


SGA President at Virginia Tech in 1976, pic related:


Solid, erudite interview in GQ (no, really):


In the modern digital age—and [David] Axelrod [Barack Obama's chief strategist] saw this very early on, and we a little bit copied it—there's three things that are important: It's authenticity of candidate. The one thing the Internet has done is blown through phonies. Number two is the importance of actionable ideas. Obama had a series of actionable ideas. Donald Trump had a series of actionable ideas. It's the reason my office was called the war room. Number three is—and this is also an Obama and Trump [characteristic]—a volunteer army of dedicated people."


And here we are.


Where he lives in DC (maybe), the "Breitbart Embassy". This one's worth a read, just for the detailed account of a party held there:


"Since leaving the White House and its adjacent properties altogether, he’s moved his operation back into a war townhouse he calls the Breitbart Embassy. Breitbart News, where he’s the executive chairman, is headquartered in the basement; upstairs, he hosts glitzy parties and plans his hostile takeover of the GOP. And, depending on which sources you believe, the Breitbart Embassy is also where he happens to live.


Like so many things involving Steve Bannon, the banal subject of his permanent residence has long been a mystery. This is by design — whether to protect himself or add to his own legend, who knows. According to public records, over the last several years he’s had addresses in California, New York, and Florida, where he registered to vote but never so much as obtained a driver’s license.


Even now, with ethical constraints in the rearview mirror, Bannon is unwilling to admit that he calls the Breitbart Embassy home. A source with knowledge of his real-estate holdings told me he lives in Northern Virginia and stays at the Embassy when his schedule demands it, but provided no further details or proof. Another source close to Bannon told me that wasn’t true, and for what it’s worth, the general consensus here in D.C. is the same. “Steve lives on the top two floors,” this source explained, “so Steve will do his meetings at the second-floor dining-room table.”


The $2.35 million, three-story structure on A Street Northeast near Capitol Hill is owned by a former member of the Egyptian parliament named Moustafa El-Gindy." (Pic related; readers will no doubt observe that this is not a $2.35 million property anywhere but NY, DC, or SF.)


The Steve Bannon Reading List:

Anonymous ID: d7bce9 May 29, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.6622330   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Have a polite request for board anons currently caught up in assorted skirmishes:


Please exercise some objectivity.


People come here for actual news, dissemination of facts, to do research, and have intelligent discussion.


This board is already under attack by shills and other enemies. There are real operators, in and out of uniform, who are in harm's way right now. Getting into assorted fistfights below decks on this ship is not going to help, although they're no surprise with the tension ratcheted up as high as it is right now. There are people new to all this who can't even recognize disinfo yet. Every day is a heavy news day, and attention is spread thinly enough as it is.


We are living in the middle of a massive worldwide cultural shift. It will be in history books. Those of us who can, should work at helping others navigate these unfamiliar waters.


Let's try to keep our cool and focus.