Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6622744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2762 >>2770 >>2771 >>2801 >>2805 >>2819 >>2891 >>2932 >>2950 >>2952

Anons……here is a new one…I am telling you….this is spreading.

fungus, mold, insects, parasite? all of them same time…..infecting HUMANS…..Doctors way all are crazy…labeled DOP…….this is real stuff…..MONSANTO????? Insect vectors? GATES???? CDC???

Scares the shit out of you when it first happens, destroys your skin and is painful in joints and skin.

CDC and infectious disease departments are aware but are writing every sufferer of as delusional. CDC and Kiaser did a fake study. YEARS this is growing..


Worms in the Face,sendgrid&utm_campaign=comment-notification,,email#3523671

Urge the CDC to take action against surging unexplained disease

Condition seems to be highly contagious and is taking over people's lives and sanity


The pics are not mine…….but my skin looks EXACTLY like this since 2014!….All over body. The medical community kows about this and is letting it grow. The pics I found online from 2006, just before the CDC study with KIaser which deemed it a nothng burger.

Well, it is everywhere, all states. If you get a really itchy scalp and see little fruit flies or gnats wzzing near your head out of nowhere…and see little black specs coming out of skin and seeing same around your house….be prepared, you are in for a frightening itme ahead……..and NO one will believe you…..even your family once you start showing them daily the scary shit coming out of your body…..I hope none of you get it, NO ONE will be able to cure it and your skin will be fucked up permanently and so much more.

Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6622819   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is not me. I have same sacrring and current lesions. years. I do not smoke, or do drugs or anything that would put me in a risk factor category. What you just said is how doctors respond. I am telling you it is areal skin, gut, lymphatic situation. I am a born again Christian since 2002. Anon since NOv 2017. I am telling the truth here. This is a real thing and all should be concerned as I have told all I can in health departments and contagious disease depts. They know about it and EVERYONE who has it across the country says they are all being told DOP. Something is afoot to keep this one masked. I beleive it is a GMO or pesticide situation gone rwrong or intentional.

Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.6622891   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes. They lump into Morgellons and call all of us Delusional…..ALL ANONS……this is the same thing they do to the Q movement……..BECAUSE IT IS REAL.

I swaer with al of my being tis shit is real and I am living with it. The saying we are all suffering with Delusions Of Parasitosis…….but…..Transgenders are a real thing……WAKE UP ANONS. The CDC and Doctors are having thousands of people from all walks of life come in with this and NO HELP or explination…….just that we are all crazy drug users……..that is the truth of how they are treating this. VECTOR may be insects.

Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6622932   🗄️.is 🔗kun




it reacts to SSKI….old remendy old medicine that the doctors don't use any more. reacts same as Rose Handlers Disease, so it is a similar disease or it would not respond , also known as Sporothrix Schneckii. I am seeing good relief using Neem Leaf Powder twice daily and Triphala Powder twice daily. Medicine FROM PLANTS. Clean your GUT, it is where it is accumulating. Lots of probiotic foods as well.

Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.6623040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3063 >>3083

ANON who knows how to grab tis pic……..please post with my post……


Hahaha…….clever body ART pose….


Soph really knows how to troll the left since Youtube took away her abilty to livestream:

Anonymous ID: 8e1ac3 May 29, 2019, 6:30 p.m. No.6623183   🗄️.is 🔗kun


NO PUS, crater with hard ring, take MONTHS to heal, peridically bleeds, painful feels like glass shards that roll out, wormlike thing needs to be pulled out from around the crater over a period of weeks, it is continuous, round sandlike, glass like shards continually come outof center. When healed, it just comes up again a few inches away and begions again. Ihave 15-30 constantly all up and down lymphatic system and nearby. Face and hands and leg area the worst for me….back has been bad, but has cleared alot. Weird little egg like things roll out of eyes and nose……..NO JOKE….like somehting has taken to living in my blood and or skin…….and leaves through the skin……….may be dropping "seeds" "fungus" or "parasites" …….could be contagious……but no agency cares…… the links and see what other are saying across the county, not just me.