Anonymous ID: 923b28 May 29, 2019, 5:31 p.m. No.6622445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2482 >>2484 >>2502 >>2620 >>2910

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White House Wanted USS John McCain ‘Out of Sight’ During Trump Japan Visit

Anonymous ID: 923b28 May 29, 2019, 5:40 p.m. No.6622566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592 >>2601 >>2618 >>2717



beats me, anon. I just re-report it.


"The White House wanted the U.S. Navy to move “out of sight” a warship named for the late Sen. John McCain, a war hero who became a frequent target of President Trump’s ire, ahead of the president’s visit to Japan last week, according to an email reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.


In a May 15 email to U.S. Navy and Air Force officials, a U.S. Indo-Pacific Command official outlined plans for the president’s arrival that he said had resulted from conversations between the White House Military Office and the Seventh Fleet of the U.S. Navy. In addition to instructions for the proper landing areas for helicopters and preparation for the USS Wasp—where the president was scheduled to speak—the official issued a third directive: “USS John McCain needs to be out of sight.”


“Please confirm #3 will be satisfied,” the official wrote.


When a Navy commander expressed surprise about the directive for the USS John S. McCain, the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command official replied: “First I heard of it as well.” He said he would work with the White House Military Office to obtain more information about the order.


Acting Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan was aware of the concern about the presence of the USS John McCain in Japan and approved measures to ensure it didn’t interfere with the president’s visit, a U.S. official said.


There were discussions within the U.S. military over the past week about how to handle the warship, another U.S. official said. The ship is being repaired after a 2017 collision, and any ship undergoing such repair or maintenance would be difficult to move, officials said. A tarp was hung over the ship’s name ahead of the president’s trip, according to photos reviewed by the Journal, and sailors were directed to remove any coverings from the ship that bore its name. After the tarp was taken down, a barge was moved closer to the ship, obscuring its name. Sailors on the ship, who typically wear caps bearing its name, were given the day off during Mr. Trump’s visit, people familiar with the matter said.


Mr. Trump arrived in Japan on Saturday and on Tuesday—though still Monday in the U.S.—delivered Memorial Day remarks to troops aboard the USS Wasp, which is stationed along with the USS John McCain at Yokosuka Naval Base, south of Tokyo. Speaking to around 800 military men and women—some of whom wore “Make Aircrew Great Again” patches with a likeness of the president on their jumpsuits—Mr. Trump said he was joined by sailors from six other ships. He made no mention of the USS John McCain.


Before visiting the USS Wasp, Mr. Trump visited the helicopter carrier JS Kaga, from which the USS John McCain would have been visible.


The White House declined to answer questions about the reason for the directive or where it originated. The White House Military Office provides support for presidential travel, among other matters."