Anonymous ID: af32d4 May 29, 2019, 5:49 p.m. No.6622674   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm not good at typing but I will try to type some/most of this e-mail that I received almost a year ago (June 14, 2018)



by S. Jha (2007)


I was shown this vision part after part… on the 6th of August 2007.


The sky over America was grew. Around the land of America,

this is what I saw"

I saw money but no wealth

food by no health

knowledge but no wisdom

Morals, in some churches, which are of no avail in the Kingdom


I saw eyes glued to see the American dream, but blind to the

Kingdom vision

Greedy leaders seeking money, depending not on God's Provision.


I saw breasts running dry, that could not feed others,

Deceivers were milking the Christian sisters and brothers


The richest nation was yet in debt. I saw a large vault door, marked the Nation's gold. Inside, it was empty. There was no gold there.


I saw beds in houses, but no sleep. The sheets looked unslept in,

the bedroom carpets of some looked worn from pacing to and fro,

in deep anxiety.


I saw many at the dining table, with a plateful of multi-colored

capsules and tablets, decorating the plate as dressing. I saw

that some were mere 'vanity pills'.

I saw fear, confusion, anxiety in the Nation and in the church in America.


Erosion erosion erosion.

Mess mess mess.

I saw false security, false confidence.


Many beautiful eagles, had turned to vultures.


I saw church leaders who had received a call from God to 'Go

on a sabbatical', refuse, and choose rather to stay and 'run their



I heard the Lord Say, "I gave America, leaders, pioneers, families."

I asked, 'Lord where are they?"

"They aborted them," came the Reply.


There were abortions in abortion clinics, and abortions in the church.