Anonymous ID: ee3fe3 May 29, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6622942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2969 >>2992 >>3041 >>3137

I believe in God and in prayer.


And what is prayer except a thought and an intention?


As such, every thought we have, even when we never say it out loud, is a prayer.




The Satanic Cabal knows this is true, and so they nurtured all our negative thoughts, breeding more hate and animosity in all of us. Dividing people weakens us in more ways than one. By dividing us, the weakness in us compels us to feel animosity towards "the other side."


But I now believe every negative thought we have tips a cosmic balance a little more towards darkness. Every time we hate "the other side," even with a passing thought, we contribute to that darkness, when we should be contributing to loving light.


It's really hard to guard against these fleeting, darker thoughts, and I admit I haven't had much practice.


It has become a little easier to guard against these negative thoughts when you realize that the divisions between humanity are completely artificial and manufactured. So why should I think ill of another person when after learning that these feelings in me are just holdovers from my brainwashing?


I do still find negative thoughts towards others popping up in my mind, and I'm trying to do better. These aren't violent thoughts or raging thoughts, but they're still not positive. Even saying "I can't stand that person" is a negative thought.


The most challenging of all, however, is what to do about our negative thoughts towards our TRUE ENEMIES, rather than the fake manufactured enemies the Luciferian Cabal taught us to hate.


I'm talking about the likes of Hillary Clinton or George Soros and their ilk. What are we supposed to think about them if all thoughts are prayers and all negative thoughts feed the negative energies?


I've decided to try NOT to think of them with hate, but to think of them as lost souls that need to be exposed, neutralized and punished. But I try to do that without hating even them. I don't really see why I have to hate them in order to punish them. Punishment should be meted out according to the law, which should be impartial not hateful. Even when the punishment might be the "ultimate punishment" (and I'm still not sure how I feel about that one).


I'm angry at their crimes and want change as soon as possible, but can I do that by thinking POSITIVELY?


With that in mind, when I pray, I pray for God's protection for all the good people of the Earth. I pray that the Luciferians are exposed to the whole world and tried in a court of law. I pray that the Luciferians become so ineffective and laughably powerless in the face of the Awakened People that we can just brush them aside like ants. I don't hate ants either, but I don't want them in my house. I pray that evil whithers away and is replaced by good. I even pray that these enemies repent and decide to fight with us (even though they should still be punished no matter what).


I'm trying to use the power of prayer (including ALL my spontaneous inner thoughts) to feed the positive frequencies, not the negative ones. I'm not that good at it but I'm trying.

Anonymous ID: ee3fe3 May 29, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.6623137   🗄️.is 🔗kun



"The Ultimate Punishment" is a subject I'm just not wise enough to decide on yet.


When that punishment is necessary to protect innocent people from death, I believe in it. It's a necessity in a REAL WAR.


I also know Patriots have had to carry out difficult tasks that required dealing the ultimate punishment in order to protect us. I'm sure Q is guided spiritually and knows a lot more about the cosmic laws than I do.


Thank you to the Patriots who risk so much. I know what you do for me, my loved ones and all humanity. I promise I'll continue to do what I can too.