Anonymous ID: 16f581 May 29, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.6623922   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Did I not get the memo? It says BO would not be replaced. Who / where / when / why / how is new board owner? Also interesting as I look back and remember when this happened, this is someone using BO's tripcode and speaking for him, not BO speaking directly.


Contradictions must be noted.

All truths eventually come to Light.

To speak truth is 1 thing, to live it is another.




>Earlier I wrote that I wish we had moar to go on concerning board mgmt, you are trying to see what we can figure out with what we already have.


>"BO will not be replaced"….hmmm….all I know is that he's called out bakers as being first "complacent" and later as "shills." So it's clear he doesn't like bakers and wants to turn anons against them. Why?


I too seek clarification.

Many mysteries have occurred in a short period of Time.

Would Q team happen to be in the house tonight?

Yes, I believe they are.

What do you think they are making from all of this?

More transparency is necessary pertaining to the drama and divisionfagging taken place tonight.

However, Time should be given.

All things happen exactly when they should.

Both parties should be given the benefit of the doubt until more FACTS come to LIGHT.