Anonymous ID: 37a638 May 29, 2019, 7:10 p.m. No.6623580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


true but i did learn a lot from the people on here digging

maybe not so much from random pictures of people and places-remember the pallets in a truck one?

but now the ones digging on the news etc are just buried in the jew shit-its worse than the toots shit

and no wonder the anons and even boomers left

it seems this board is now run by jr high trans-faggot shitposting idiots

who among the normies would belive anything found here now if we got any info out?

hopefully soon all the drama queens will get an attack of the vapors

and retire to the couch in moms basement and leave us alone

while they check their lifelog for upvotes