Anonymous ID: 4477ad May 29, 2019, 6:49 p.m. No.6623366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nadler can subpoena Mueller.

Why doesn't he want to answer questions??

Orchestrated bullshit.

Didn't he demand that POTUS sit down with him over obstruction??

He never said he had probable cause evidence??

Who are the others that obstructed?? Uh no one.

Why didn't Mueller wait until 2020 to charge POTUS with obstruction??

I bet he couldn't make it 8 hours under oath.


Why are Dems thrilled today with Mueller? Yesterday they weren't so thrilled with him.


I thought he was the Noble Mr Mueller. Yet he tossed his decision to Barr?!




The whole damn thing was a setup.


It's time we give Noble Mr Mueller the TRUMP TREATMENT.