Anonymous ID: a49d87 May 29, 2019, 6:51 p.m. No.6623381   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3508 >>3609 >>3618 >>3654 >>3690


Oh boy. It looks like Morgellons. Here's what you need to do, and you will not see results for awhile.

1.) Cut all sugar and processed foods from diet. Go alkaline diet.

2.) Get yourself a Spooky 2 generator (RIFE-like) generator and follow the Morgellons protocol.

3.) Get 100% therapeutic grade Thieves Oil and rub on bottoms of feet 2-3 times a day along reflex points corresponding to spine.

4.) Get a thera pro diffuser and sleep with the Thieves Oil running at night.

5.) Take baths w/Epsom salt and Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap.

6.) Wash your clothes, towels, and sheets separately from others' laundry – use Borax and Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Soap.

7.) Join the Morgellons forum at curezone.


None of these remedies are cheap, Anon.

But at the very least do #1 and also look up "Poor Man's Lymes Protocol" because many have found a correlation between Lymes and Morgellons.

I did all of the above before I got relief but have been in remission four years. Don't talk to your doctor(s) about it. You will be diagnosed with delusional parasitosis. It's real tho and there are plenty of us sufferers and survivors out there.

Good luck, Anon.

Anonymous ID: a49d87 May 29, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.6623550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3678


>The alkaline advice is on point.

That's why it's #1. Nevertheless, Morgellons is a MF'er. Spent over a year suffering while researching trying to figure out what "IT" was/is. I believe it's an agrobacterium w/ a fungal component but I also believe there are 5-6 different strains out there in the world. Some say it's a myasias caused by tiny flies. Nevertheless, after diet, the Spooky 2 and the Thieves Oil were critical for me.