Anonymous ID: 144463 May 29, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.6624052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4072 >>4110 >>4467

I challenge all anons to listen to Mueller with their eyes closed for this 9 minutes. Don't look at other tabs open, just close your eyes and listen.

Usually I hate to say something before others have had a chance to see/hear for themselves fr fear I am swaying an opinion. You either hear it or you don't this time!

Liars get cotton mouth very easy and Mueller has cotton mouth.

This a planned speech he wrote himself to reflect his words so no need to be nervous.

Mueller is a pro at public speaking and stumbles should be minuscule at best. Mueller does fine while reading lined sentences. Not a single stumble other than his cotton mouth. Listen to the times he stumbles and what he is trying to spit out of his mouth. GOTTA close your eyes so visual senses dont interfere