Anonymous ID: dc9923 May 29, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6623981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4060 >>4075


REPOST from lb:


Once upon a time there was a movement known as The Great Awakening, lead by an anonymous patriot simply known as Q (also Qanon). Not directly connected to the POTUS but definitely in the know behind the scenes. There were these other patriots who could not process, nor accept what was happening right before their eyes. How people they once knew could all of sudden believe a narrative taught to them by a group of people they didn't even know. These disinformation agents were the media talking heads, politicians, famous movie stars and those in the music industry..even others from other countries tried to influence what we, the American public should believe, tried to tell us how to behave, how to live, how to raise our children (how to hate each…other…how… to…hate…ourselves….) But these disenfranchised anons who later became the autists who frequented a new realm on the internet on a board known as 8ch where their central figure had moved from 4 ch started their important work everyday 24/7….


They worked for the betterment of our country and the world, they worked to uncover the truth and expose the evil and the lies that the normal population has been fed for unknown amount of years and generations. Many started to wake up…with the election of Donald J Trump who won and became our POTUS….it created a violent rage beneath and behind the Cabal and those who have been in charge forever. They tried EVERYTHING to destroy him, remove him, humiliate him, discredit him and they have not stopped as of yet.


But through all of this he persists and he wins, slowly and sometimes not in the way he would like to but he is winning this "WAR"..And in the background there is Q, The Qanon movement, the anons, who bake, research, dig post valuable information, their platform is riddled with daily attacks from shills, bots, divisionshills and those who want to discredit Q and simply claim he is a LARP…but why do they try so hard to break Anon's resolves, why do they try so hard to influence a narrative on a free speech 8 ch board most normal people couldn't even begin to find unless another anon pointed it out to them.


Today, we have been informed that Act II has begun, Mueller is completely out…that is obvious. There is no more Mueller block. The Democrats are going to try to impeach a President for commiting no crime….this will not go over very well for them.


We are the news….its obvious. There are more people here everyday seeing the dark side of the resistance who get paid to disrupt and cause chaos on this board. What all people who come here learn is every person is anonymous, name faming is forbidden, no one Not one person here gets paid for trying to dig and research for the truth. We are here for the common belief that we have been lied to, harmed and seen as less than human. Some anons here know from personal experience what has happened to the children in sexual slavery and Satanic ritual abuse. Many here now understand how their symbolism is everywhere and on everything….


Patriots and anons will keep searching for the truth, how can you ever question the integrity and the power of a board of anonymous individuals who get no reward except exposure of the evil and the crimes that have been perpetrated against the unknowing and innocent souls of the world. God is here, Q is here, Angels are here Some of the most amazing soldiers are here. Fathers are here, Mothers are here, helperanons are here too at times….


There is more good in this world than bad…I am here until the very last moment whatever that means….WWG1WGA…