The unredeemed human mind is suggestible and malleable, so those whom we choose to model or emulate has consequences!
Those interested in liberation and enlightenment, choose to model themselves after spiritual pioneers, anyone who attained mastery of self and redemption of soul and there is no question about our Most Beloved Master, who reported from resurrection junction!
This current death cult, represented by the mediaMatrix, gives media attention only to entities who have compromised their integrity, are psychopaths and/or agents of the tyrannical agenda, or are clones/trannies!
It is quite easy to detect bullshit but IF and only IF you are not bullshitting yourself!
It is quite easy to detect lies but IF and only IF you are not lying to yourself!
When our minds are already pinned to fixed ideas, passively accepting (consciously or unconsciously) outright fiction shot from the ass of a demon and offered as factual reality, then the mind’s built-in bullshit detector mechanism gets pinned to the top of the bullshit scale.
Over time, normalcy bias makes that state of emergency seem OK, when it means that one of the primary functions of the human mind is DISABLED!
Break the MSM (break the SPELL of the MSM!) is MANDATORY!
Without the easy reloading from the MSM/antisocial media of the mind-control talking points and constant reinforcement of stupid evil thinking patterns, the trance will CRACK and MUCH faster than anyone believes!
Disallow doubt from invading your mind!
Doubt is not required for critical thinking, only discernment! Doubt has an emotional component which derails the critical thinking process, to sidetrack it in favor of self-pity of some variety!
Doubt is a lesser form of JUDGMENT, which Christ Jesus, the Master of His Soul, stated was a MINDTRAP! (Judge not, lest ye be judged!)
If we train our little minds by default, to execute the judging process, the mind’s never-resting nature will:
1) Chew up all of our mental bandwidth and spit it out! (a mental DDOS)
2) INEVITABLY, WE will condemn OURSELVES with the same exact process!
3) Self-condemnation, for a redeemed identity, is no more than an accusation by proxy, from the Adversary!
We don’t need to entertain any doubt, while we question everything!
Just hold ideas in the mind WITHOUT any attachment (definition of wisdom or mental mastery) and let the intrinsic cohering power of the mind when allowed to move freely, integrate the facts you are juggling and let falsity fall to the floor, along with all associated FEARS!