Anonymous ID: 26c356 May 29, 2019, 9:53 p.m. No.6625004   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just want to know when the world can switch all the names of all those streets, highways, schools, and buildings back to their original names


This crazy, perverted black huckster deserves NOTHING.


Try living in any southeastern city and see how you like hearing from those damn money-grubbing King chirren constantly

Got to be havin dem parades and dat entire month dedicated to Dr Kang

He didn't do SHIT for black people

He was just a scam artist and sociopath, in it for the money, fame, and sex

Damn National Park Service operating that "center" where they haul in busloads of unsuspecting kids to pay homage


"King announced ‘that he had started the “International Association for the Advancement of P***y Eaters”’. Garrow writes that ‘anyone familiar with King’s often bawdy sense of humour would not doubt that quotation’."


In his biography, Garrow related how King was warned by friends to control his ‘compulsive sexual athleticism’ but told a friend: ‘I’m away from home 25 to 27 days a month. F**’s a form of anxiety reduction.’… psychiatrists believed King suffered from bipolar disorder and that ‘the binge-drinking and compulsive sexuality are powerful evidence of mania’. By late 1967, the FBI documents reveal that King was dependent on sleeping pills and ‘frequently flew into a rage over relatively insignificant matters’.


His name should be erased from history.

Anonymous ID: 26c356 May 29, 2019, 10:10 p.m. No.6625112   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm considering "visiting" meetings at the assorted nonprofit orgs that Stacey Abrams and others have so-conveniently founded in metro Atlanta as an impostor.

If they ask for ID to enter, I'll just act stupid and say I forgot my wallet, but "I remembered my checkbook, just wanted to make a donation"

POOF, instant admission

Oppo research.

No one ever suspects middle aged shlubs.

Mine is a one-party consent law state when it comes to recordings.

Only 11 states require the consent of every party to render recording lawful.

I have some friends in local county Republican parties who might enjoy some fresh information.