Anonymous ID: 4f638c May 29, 2019, 9:55 p.m. No.6625015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5048 >>5417

Bernie Sanders campaigned for Marxist party in Reagan era


Bernie Sanders campaigned for the Socialist Workers Party in the 1980 and 1984 presidential campaigns and was investigated by the FBI for his ties to the Marxist group.


Sanders has always played down the extent of his involvement with the party, which included radicals who praised the Soviet Union and Cuban communists, and has denied ever being a member. Asked in 1988 about his role as an SWP elector in 1980, he said: "I was asked to put my name on the ballot and I did, that’s true." In fact, his ties to the party are deep and enduring.


In 1980, Sanders "proudly endorsed and supported" Andrew Pulley, the party's presidential candidate, who once said that American soldiers should "take up their guns and shoot their officers." Sanders was one of three electors for Pulley on the Vermont ballot, stating in a press release: "I fully support the SWP's continued defense of the Cuban revolution."


Four years later, he backed and campaigned for the SWP presidential nominee Mel Mason, a former Black Panther, saying it was important for there to be "fundamental alternatives to capitalist ideology." During the campaign, Mason praised the Russian and Chinese revolutions and said: "The greatest example of a socialist government is Cuba, and Nicaragua is right behind, but it's still developing."

Anonymous ID: 4f638c May 29, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.6625059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5077

Not Q related but I used to worry about this happening as a wee lad, key!


Snake Slithers Out of Toilet, Bites South Florida Man


Authorities say a ball python slithered out of a toilet and bit a South Florida man on the arm.

Coral Springs police spokesman Chris Swinson said the man was treated at the scene after the 4-foot snake bit him when he lifted the toilet seat on Sunday morning. The snake is nonvenomous.

Swinson told news outlets the snake didn't belong to the man and it was unclear how it got into the apartment.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports the Coral Springs Humane Society took the snake to a veterinarian's office. It was being treated for a scale infection.