LILI OF YERMAN HOUSE HODOR ID: 5580e6 May 29, 2019, 9:59 p.m. No.6625044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sorry but lol I keep seeing fake news leading with "HOLY FUCK BALTIMORE" and I can't






the joke is that Baltimore is where the cemetery is


like Arlington


sorry for spoiling it but LOL THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF OUR PSYOP




anyway the yiff channel is /revel3/ but oh shit furries are being raided by pedophiles because of what you could call a "red panda problem"


lol anyway enjoy the show, pizzagate is on furaffinity and we're all gonna die because the NSA invited terrorists again (but this time they're not collaborating with the mossad for 9/11)

LILI OF YERMAN HOUSE HODOR ID: 5580e6 May 29, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.6625374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5388

hey fellas who remembers the infinite moot




dude it was just a joke but wow amazing


this one is literally a coincidence tho who doesn't eat fucking corn I mean really


this is just funny and an excuse to post the corn memes again

LILI OF YERMAN HOUSE HODOR ID: 5580e6 May 29, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.6625388   🗄️.is 🔗kun


see here's another one lol


"it's corn retard" was a great meme fellas


[ZFI AM 740 MORE STiMULATiNG KRUMBZZ]<Transcript 16:20 -- Shattered Bongs with Bill and John>JOHN: Good afternoon bonglords and ladies, it's 8:14 somewhere and we've got a special guest with us.MIKE: Ha ha, fuck you, John.JOHN: Hey, fuck you too neighbor! For the sake of learning we're gonna lay down our gunnnnnnns.MIKE: Oh shut the fuck up, Jesus was black, honkey.JOHN: <LaughterFair enough, fair enough.BILL: What the hell is going on?JOHN: Well Bill, did you read the thread?<SFX: "IN THIS THREAD" chant from protesters from a recent flashmob.>JOHN: They're referring to the thread, Bill.BILL: Which thread?JOHN: This thread, Bill.MIKE: Gonna cash in my reparations on this one, fuck you Berney, but how 'bout we actually get down towhatever the fuck you white yidiots decided to do?JOHN: First of all, I'm a Nazi flag. Second of all, aren't you stepping out of place, sir?MIKE: Hell yeah I am, it's just what I do!BILL: With that let's talk about what we've brought Mike here on the hour for. John, who would you sayhas the corner on barbecue?JOHN: Well Bill, I would say South Carolina.BILL: Ah, interesting, because I would say Texas. Now, how 'bout this. What about fried chicken?JOHN: <long pause>MIKE: <laughter>BILL: John? John are you there?JOHN: Uh.MIKE: Oh. Oh. Oh. You can flash a 14 88 my way but you can't tell the black man that fried chicken might be in that motherfucker's market? Siegler my ass!JOHN: What the fuck.MIKE: First of all, motherfucker, you're goddamn right we got the corner on fried chicken. The fuckelse are we supposed to do being raised in the corner of a farm in a barn tryna fuckin' live our lives?Oh you got chickens just runnin' around this motherfucker, throw those bitches in bread and have somefuckin' DINNER, am I right?BILL: <laughing and clapping.><SFX: Shattered glass.>JOHN: Folks I think our guest Killer Mike just shattered our bong on that one.MIKE: Hey, that's alright, where I'm from, one pipe leads to another, so we roll blunts brother!JOHN: What?BILL: The fuck?MIKE: You got a call panel? Have some motherfucker call in, they'll explain it.JOHN: Hey do we have-- oh that was fast. Did you-- okay they've been screened.MIKE: I swear to god if this is some kinda corn retard I'm gonna bang this bitch the fuck out.JOHN: Okay, caller, you're on: what the fuck did that mean?CALLER: IT'S HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP RETARDMIKE: <Falls out of chair laughing, screaming "TECHNICALLY TRUE">JOHN: What the fuck?BILL: Crack, John. Crack.JOHN: What?! What the-- FINE. Fuck this. We're going to commercial break. You're listening to someretards shatter the bongs, keep it locked. What the fuck does that mean?<FADE TO BUMP>[MORE STiMULATiNG KRUMBZZ]