Anonymous ID: 65fd6a May 29, 2019, 9:41 p.m. No.6624936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6622978 (PB)

You are painting with a too-broad brush when you speak of "you Christians". >>6622998

What we are missing is the 40-50 years of not raking them over the coals over EVERYTHING. There IS a 4th branch of government … US. And we have not exercised OUR oversight as well as we should have.

>>6622576 (PB)

Do what?

>>6622595 (PB)

There is NO justice at either end of the scale unless there is justice at both ends of the scale.

>>6622620 (PB)

Don might still nurse a grudge against McNoName, but it doesn't extend to the sailors who man the ship bearing that name. He would NEVER tell them that their service was in any way belittled because of the ship they served on.

>>6622635 (PB)

I wish Meghan wasn't so gullible. Trump did no such thing. If it happened, it was likely the Commanders trying to kiss up to him.

>>6622666 (PB)

>And why would Jesus rail against the Pharisees for not keeping the Law, yet you assume after his death the Law is not for you for some reason? All of a sudden Jesus' death lets you sin with impunity?

Jesus fulfilled the law which stood as if a debt between God and man. It's like a mortgage that has been paid off. A perfect life (Adam) had been redeemed by another perfect life, Jesus. Along the way, Jesus reiterated 9 of the 10 commandments (see if you can figure out which one he did NOT repeat … and why) and gave us a new one. So no, we are not under the laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. As the Bible explains, the 700(ish) laws of the Pharisees do not lead to salvation, but to condemnation. We are, however, still under law.>>6622831

>the majority had indicated they were in favour of a secular prayer.

There is no such thing as a "secular prayer".


Sydney … his middle name.

>>6623140 (PB)

Maybe that's what 23 and me is looking for. It's for certain (in my mind) that they are looking for and cataloging something.

>>6623170 (PB)

My thoughts, too. It put a LOT of warmer water into that current and a LOT of radioactivity.