Anonymous ID: 88310f May 29, 2019, 9:28 p.m. No.6624850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4921 >>4941 >>5351


>The Catholic Church is the Church Jesus established


Sorry to burst your bubble, but…


Study Constantine.

The catholic church is so far removed from the original followers of Christ as to be nearly unrecognizable.

Albeit, most catholics are good people and do good things.

However, Mary worship is idolatry (God does not tolerate this above all)

Confession to a preist?

There is one intercessor - Christ.

The holidays?

Mostly pagan derivatives.

The list is looong.


BTW, I was raised in this religion, so i know of what i speak.


Sit, kneel, stand

Sit, kneel, stand
