Anonymous ID: 8cc53d May 29, 2019, 9:16 p.m. No.6624767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6624533 (lb)

Keto is step in the right direction however an anti candida diet is stricter and is set in stages. First stage is to starve the candida of anything that will feed it such as sugar yeast simple carbs/high net carbs, ciggs and alcohol, even high starch veggies and fruits, caffeine etc

After this stage you can begin to re inoculate the gut

Then it's just about maintain ing, foods can be reintroduced slowly and monitored for any effects.


My device is laggy or i would try to explain a little more in depth, but I'm sure anon has the smarts to research themselves:) What a great skill we have developed here…self reliance while maintaining a group mindset. Love it