Anonymous ID: 58fdc7 May 30, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6625761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

55 years ago, the FBI tried to blackmail Martin Luther King Jr with a 'suicide' letter. This week, newly discovered documents finally explain the sordid origin of the plan.

Anonymous ID: 58fdc7 May 30, 2019, 2:22 a.m. No.6626030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6045 >>6054 >>6055 >>6076 >>6167 >>6182 >>6202 >>6217

Happening of the 4th Of July

Alright so, I've got informations which may be of interest of you guys.


I was browsing 4chan's pol when a thread about a guy pop up, didn't precised if he was in the government or anything else but, he claimed that in the 4th of July, a huge fucking reveal will take place, enough to shake the world.

Right afterward, in the next 2 months.


>FISA declassification coming first week of June confirmed.

>Mass arrests to take place throughout the Month of June. This includes Hollywood, Music Industry, Politics, Media, Banking, Corporate hierarchies, and the like.

>The only weapon still in (((their))) arsenal is the media behemoth they've created over the past 80 years. This is the propaganda machine that's been turning since the fucking 50s and it's not going to be gone over night. Nor should we want it to. These arrests and dismantlings have to happen in a timely manner otherwise it was cause civil unrest.


Now, I don't know what to think of all this but, the 4th July is Independance Day

Maybe Trump actually has something up his sleeve for that day.


Link to the thread :