Anonymous ID: 590673 May 30, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.6625762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5951

Is @MichelleObama joining others who've called for a POTUS "intervention"?


Trying to "REPLICATE" the magic of a SILVER (Ag) BULLET?


Is she ''"framing" it in Zapruder "313"'' terms?


ON JFK's BIRTHDAY no less?


prior notable tweet/anon comments that I added a couple things to and assembled into a graphic.

Anonymous ID: 590673 May 30, 2019, 1:35 a.m. No.6625951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5956 >>5957 >>5987


Trips say "No coincidences."

Somehow I don't think it means Trump will be playing the Piano.


281.1 reversed is 1.182

.=1 so 1.182 = 11182 (and 4x7 is 28)




Drawing on 5-31, eh?


Megaball 21

Megaplier 2



2 days after, someone wants a second?

nothing to see here.


witch state



Anonymous ID: 590673 May 30, 2019, 1:56 a.m. No.6625987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6005 >>6011 >>6024


Thanks…I think…makes it irritating that there are so many numbers I DON'T know/can't interpret/haven't studied/learned comms well enough.


Timestamps and deltas from these 2 "AK47" posts suggest 31 or 31+2 (6-2) to me.



1:31 (that's 31 twice…so 31st "second time" or 31st +2)

4:27 "For JFK"


Both posts April 6. April 6 on Qclock is at [00] in 2018 (Thor's hammer time) which is coming up on Friday…5-31 also [00]. Also, "46" been ubiQuitous number around here lately.




Anonymous ID: 590673 May 30, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.6626047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6073




I've never been diagnosed with or considered myself autistic. Just a bit of a nerd who's pretty decent at math.


>I'm also far enough in with your stuff you're posting that I dont even need to question it

moderately spoopy…don't see how you could be "just anon like me"…also intriguing language.


>You gave the 5/29 date before it happened, and out came Bob

I've suggested a hundred dates, and JFK's 102nd didn't take a rocket scientist to think something would happen. kek.


>In all the time you have been doing this has any of your connections predicted anything or had any real life meaning?

nothing like making me question why the heck I'm doing any of this. kek. I've known some things generally, I've had a couple direct clock hits (and 150 misses…as it's supposed to be), and in life, generally…I've been rocked to my core…but gradually. Nothing (almost) is as it seems. I'm glad to have learned what I have. It hasn't necessarily directly yielded life changes/meaning…but that can't be entirely true or permanent. One always underestimates the future impact of stuff like this.



Well…that thought occurs to me, but I'd think he's got better stuff to do. (2) him, (8) you…kek.

Gotta have other people/automation for that, I'd think.

Anonymous ID: 590673 May 30, 2019, 3:15 a.m. No.6626143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6154


To let the demons know you're down with them? And promoting your affection for said underworld is a public display…worshipful expression…which yields power? Also, so they know/recognize each other?



I just recently gave this some mild consideration and didn't pursue it further. Interdasting claim.