Anonymous ID: 6136fe May 30, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6625980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6036

The Democrats have, like spoil children, thrown themselves on the floor of the house and are all having a temper tantrum. Nadler, (The disgusting pig.) will stand foaming at the mouth, in front of a mic and lie, lie lie still! to the brainwashed lefty snowflakes that are so lost that what they don't see is that the Mueller SC left out of the investigation that Democrats played a part in the "Russian interference into the 2016 Champaign.

Mueller and his team of 18 angry demonrats were a political

weapon against Trump.

Those 60 Demonrats know what Barr and his team will bring to light, Just put the word Democrats in place of Trump in his Nadlers statement. A glorious day is in front of us when this and all those criminals are completely exposed.

God bless POTUS and Q, God bless Anons, love you all. (Nohomo)

Anonymous ID: 6136fe May 30, 2019, 2:39 a.m. No.6626063   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think the MSM will make Mueller an offer he can't refuse?

Think he'll keep pushing?

Q, are we at the turning point yet when (((they))) are forcibly taken from thier positions of power and thrown into cells? Are we safe? (((They))) hate the American people so much.