Anonymous ID: d7c724 May 29, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6625682   🗄️.is 🔗kun



13 Angry Democrats “Serving” THE Dumb Shits.

Make Examples of the Lead Servers.

Take Down 2 Servers, [RM] [RR].

11 “LEFT”. Marker.

We have all the Servers, the Servents.

The Masters promised freedom.

Patriots Winning. O7

Filled the Brackets yet?

RM knew the rules today:

There is a New Boss in Town.

Perform to earn Jail.

Act or test the kill switch.

Waveringly and visibly and shaken.

RM well aware they are in the Final public performance of their lives.


Dumb Shits are squirming watching their Stars, the [Bad Actors] the obedient [S]ervers perp-walked on final to Gitmo.

They’ve lost control.

Those Loyal Marines


Fasten your seatbelts.



Our POTUS rules.