Anonymous ID: 1cb4c2 May 30, 2019, 6:49 a.m. No.6626855   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Is China using weather fuckery to make things so bad in the States? Think about a few things.


>Shills like to point out Q says "we have it all" and "we are in control". They purposely overlook within our own Nation. What if the deep state within America is powerless? We would be in control. Think. For YEARS, China controlled our politicians. How many on their payrolls? Those strings are cut, America is in control of itself again. "We" are in control.


>Second, farmers. Looking past the tornadoes and destruction which is horrific, flooding is occurring all over. This flooding is then resulting in Farmers being unable to seed for the year. Their crops are destroyed before even being planted.


>Seems like an out there theory, I know. But there's something going on here.



Astute question, immediately tagged by one of our unthinking monkee boys!


HAARP has been superceded in the last two decades, anon.

(no single sauce, since this tech IS top secret for the moment)


EM control/influence of weather circulation can now be accomplished with the network of cell transmitters at far lower power levels, distributed nicely throughout the world…


SInce the computational power, numerical algorithms and modelling of the weather has advanced to the point of making accurate 5 day forecasts, note that this same capability CONTAINS the potential to concentrate and steer weather patterns, using the leverage of tiny inputs, precisely implemented, over large areas.


Yeah, whether black hats in continental us of hiding out in China makes little difference: this is multidimensional war!


All souls seek shelter in the mercy of the One to weather this storm!