Anonymous ID: 20449e May 30, 2019, 4:31 a.m. No.6626349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6358


Almost like clockwork. It becomes really obvious when you hang here for hours on end. One group checks out, the next group checks in. And the funny thing is that none of what they are trying to accomplish, eVar succeeds.

Anonymous ID: 20449e May 30, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.6626483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6613 >>6651


Look assclown, you clearly stated that Christ was speaking in metaphors. You own that. And yeah, it looks pretty stupid on you.


You have spent plenty of time offering your commentary over what the text plainly states.


You say that Christ, John, and Zacharias all spoke in METAPHOR when dealing with those whom were called the "OFFSPRING of SERPENTS". Yet it is abundantly clear that Christ stated that they were IN FACT, the CHILDREN of those who killed the prophets.


You can schpeil all you like. These three verses, when kept in context, prove you are categorically wrong.


Mat 23:31

Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.


Mat 23:32

Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.


Mat 23:33

Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?


Let me spell this out for you. He says that:


1) They are the CHILDREN of those who killed the prophets.


2) Fill up the measure OF THEIR FATHERS.


3) How can they escape this damnation?


As far as the rest of your theology bullshit, take it to the proper chan. This is Q research. I have no desire to debate your theology of grace, etc., and these debates do not belong here in the first place.


However, y exegetical unfolding of these passages is pertinent to Q Research as it was this same Saturn Cult, that killed Stephen for outing them in the book of Acts. Funny thing about that…Mention "offspring of serpents" and they kill you.


Mention "Star of Remphan" and the "Offspring of Serpents" will kill you.


This makes pointing these people out, very much part of Q Research.


You however, deny what Christ plainly stated: That the offspring of serpents were LITERALLY the CHILDREN of those who killed the prophets, and that the blood of THEIR FATHERS was upon THEM. That makes your presence here irrelevant, as, at that point, you are just another biblethumpingfaggot who is here to bicker over doctrine.


You offer eisegetical explanations that fly in direct opposition of what the text states and then want to argue over 5 different passages that had nothing to do with Christ stating that these people were the "children of their father".


The fact that your entire argument is based upon one guy's work says a lot. I looked up your Dr. Heiser. First thing that comes up, is that he specializes in "criticizing the Ancient Alien theory". FUCKING KEK. That is why you purposely confused my words to say that I was "pushing Ancient Alien theory".


LO-fucking-L. You purposely confused what I said so that you can argue in your Dr. Heiser's wheelhouse of theology. That is beyond pathetic. I never said that the Ancient Alien theory was correct; you just foisted that upon me so you could shoot off at the mouth with a bunch of copypasta, cookie-cutter, regurgitated theology.


You must enjoy sucking that Dr.'s balls.


May you also enjoy your Pauline Christianity and it's inherent deception. Now fuckoff, Balaam's ass.

Anonymous ID: 20449e May 30, 2019, 5:32 a.m. No.6626546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6549 >>6832 >>6840 >>6856









>>Sherf is another one…sons of paperclip…


Yes. The Tesla technology went two directions.


One was the Occult route of the Nazis and the Thule Society, starring Blavatsky's Arayan Root Race.


The other direction was PLVS VLTRA. Can anyone say who it was that worked in the distribution of Paperclip Nazis? What man knew where they all went? And who was it that was responsible for placing John Trump in charge of Tesla's papers?

Anonymous ID: 20449e May 30, 2019, 5:47 a.m. No.6626601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Good ol Abel danger video told us all about this.




Not me. I never heard of AD until a few months ago. And while I have watched/listened to maybe three of his shows, this wasn't the subject matter. Either way, I've known about this Nazi/Tesla/Trump shit for years. Sauce the video, I'd like to see it. Not many people know about the Scherff connection. I'd like to hear what AD says about it.

Anonymous ID: 20449e May 30, 2019, 7:12 a.m. No.6626975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6983


>Lets get something straight fuck tard.


Well lookie there…your ego has revealed your fake Christianity.




>YOU are the one spewing made up serpent seed bullshit.


Christ and John taught it. You ignore it, eisegetically claiming that when Christ called them the "offspring of serpents", that he did NOT mean "progeny". Christ clearly said that they were witnesses to themselves, that THEY were the children of those (serpents) who killed the prophets. And as the offspring of serpents, how could they escape hell. That is what the text says. Read it again, jocko-homo.


Mat 23:31

Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.


Mat 23:32

Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.


Mat 23:33

Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?



>You’re worried about me using a highly recognized expert, in addition to modern biblical commentary


No, I have a problem with you pretending your source is the know all, see all, and end all of theological interpretation. But keep slurping your 501(c)3 teacher's nutsack as he spoon feeds you bullshit.



>and all you’ve got is your imagination and misinterpreted scripture?


Besides what I have already proven you wrong on, (specifically that Christ taught in parables and not metaphors, specifically that the Bible itself teaches that the Serpent has a seed)…there are countless other respected sources that speak toward who Cain is, and that Fallen Angels can procreate. That includes both the Targum and the Masoretic text, as well as the LXX. The facts are not on your side. It's just you gobbling on your knob-scholar.



>Furthermore, I said you were pushing Ancient Alien shit, BECAUSE YOU WERE.


Well that is a flat out lie.


What I said was that it is ironic that people would believe in the Ancient Alien theory and gladly accept EA, Enki, and Enlil, while denying the reality of God the Father, Christ, and Heyleyl. That is what I said, and it is anything but a tip of the hat to Ancient Alien theory, you fucking moron.


I was debating (and winning against) Peter Kirk from the Hebrew University in Israel back in the 90's. So go fuck yourself and take your fake Pauline Christianity with you….you little queefstain lady boy.