Anonymous ID: 221480 May 30, 2019, 4:28 a.m. No.6626339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6483 >>6588 >>6745

>>6626249 (pb)

Kek. Like I said, you “wish” I was a newfag. I don’t give a fuck how long you’re claiming you’ve been here. Got it?


Do you understand what a literary term is?

You “use” a metaphor or metaphorical language to refer to one thing, that in reality is something else entirely.

You use parables to convey deeper meaning in a story.

Show me where I said Jesus spoke in metaphorical language……moran.

One subject exchanged for something else….

A viper.


Kek. ….they said none of that….

Are you seriously that confused.

You do understand what biblical commentary is, correct? Oh wait….maybe you don’t.



Do you always do half assed research? Rhetorical question.

Strong’s Concordance # 6526

pirchach: a brood

Original Word: פִרְחַח

Part of Speech: Noun Masculine

Transliteration: pirchach

Phonetic Spelling: (pir-khakh')

Definition: a brood


מִּרְחָח noun masculine collective brood

(as offshoot, off spring); — ׳פ Job 30:12, i. e.

the wretched crowd.


Your other definitions are valid, although they are not applicable to the context of the usage.


Son’s of God = loyal to God through Faith in Christ “reborn”

Son’s of Satan = loyal to Satan and / “dead” in the physical world


Genesis 15:6, "Abraham 'believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.'" And verse 7 draws out of that verse together with verse 5 a general inference: "So (or: therefore) you see that it is those of faith who are sons of Abraham." The thing that makes a person a "son of Abraham" is faith. Then verse 8 quotes Genesis 12:3 (and 18:18), "In you shall all the nations be blessed." And verse 9 draws out the inference, "So then, those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith." The thing that qualifies a person to inherit Abraham's blessing is faith. So the main point—the Word of God for us today (expressed in verses 7 and 9)—is that anyone of us who lives by faith is a child of Abraham and will inherit Abraham's blessing.


1 John 3:10

By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother.


Are you really this dense?