Anonymous ID: 76be35 May 30, 2019, 4:56 a.m. No.6626437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6452


They are narcissists. Have you ever actually known or lived with a narcissist?


NONE OF ANY OF THAT (facts) MATTERS TO THEM. They have no concept of their own possible guilt and or being capable of doing anything wrong, rules and laws do not apply to them, they are perfect. Everything/one else is broken and its their job to fix it and we are ungrateful shits.


They are already saying (where I live) that Trump is a dictator (aka Hitler) and wants to take over the world. Thats how they think.


Just arrest them already or kill them. Stop making it a show. Those tender normies watching are obviously oblivious anyway.

Anonymous ID: 76be35 May 30, 2019, 5:10 a.m. No.6626486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6489 >>6506


My point is that they (I fully believe they are narcissist personalities or mind controlled or whateverhaveyou pathologies) that prevent them from even understanding themselves capable of wrongdoing and illegality. the optics, facts and evidence are irrelevent to them.


Patience on the part of patriot is admirable for sure, but completely waste of all their time, because it doesn't matter. If the evidence exists and is presented in court in front of a non corrupt judge, if such creature even exists, our oblivious population will simply shrug and complain about the traffic.