Anonymous ID: a398b5 May 30, 2019, 5:44 a.m. No.6626588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6613



I said that Jesus “gave them a metaphor.”

You turned that into something else to cover your ignorance.


You STILL don’t fucking get it.

Do you even KNOW what happened in Genesis?

Adam and Eve had Cain, Able & Seth.

They get scammed by “the Serpent,” then kicked out of Eden.

When people began to multiply, the Watcher class angels came down and mated with human women.

Their offspring, the Nephilim are the jokers who screwed up the human bloodless and founded the ancient civilizations.

Satan didn’t sleep with Eve and No Fallen Angels slept with Eve.

Cain, Able and Seth, all came from Adam.

This is all pre flood.

That Fallen Angel bloodline is where the “others” came from.

It got so bad. God flooded the old world.

There were giants after the flood (Nephilim), that would have been carried in the bloodlines of the wives of Noah’s sons.


After the Babel everyone started mingling again.

That is why Timothy and Titus both explicitly say not to obsess over genealogy.

That IS WHY Christ had to come.

You aren’t wrong entirely, just wrong about Cain.

Regardless of the Watcher bloodlines, there is NO bloodline bound for Hell. There is no entire group of people with “Satan’s bloodline, via Cain.”

God bound all of the Watchers who mated with women, so it’s very unlikely Satan had human offspring.

If he is Ba’al, he married Ashera and Jezebel was his daughter.

(very common speculation).

Anonymous ID: a398b5 May 30, 2019, 6 a.m. No.6626651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6975


Lets get something straight fuck tard.

YOU are the one spewing made up serpent seed bullshit.


You’re worried about me using a highly recognized expert, in addition to modern biblical commentary and all you’ve got is your imagination and misinterpreted scripture?



Furthermore, I said you were pushing Ancient Alien shit, BECAUSE YOU WERE.


So, if you don’t want to get BTFO, don’t preach bullshit fiction.