Anonymous ID: af09c7 May 30, 2019, 6:36 a.m. No.6626791   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6802


Satanists appealing to masonic-kike traitors.

screw these 47 people and their 1331 fetish and their 911 is a joke mason ham-stringers


they have murdered less people than the jew-masons


less people than the cops


less people than the military


less people than planned parenthood


less people than big pharma


yes. it's THESE people. these ones you see are the problem…sure.


controlled opposition/small potatoes at JEWSCOTUS


and….we have a report of a masonic?47 news gematria sacrifice event in Budapest


33 dead…Fox 25 Boston shows b2ow of b2oat in b2udapest (they love their alliteration) with the 20 22 (master mason builder #) water-line/displacement makers showing (damage)



Anonymous ID: af09c7 May 30, 2019, 6:55 a.m. No.6626883   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6912 >>6918

Fox 25 Boston, building on PBS Tuesday night are openly talking about segregation in schools due to WHITE racism and WHITES are the problem, there are too many white teachers, the environment is too white etc etc

50% of kids in american public schools are NOT white and whites are stopping blacks and hispanics (we literally have women from Nicaragua and mexico, with accents, saying whiteness is a problem)


great plan you have


white genocide is real.