Anonymous ID: 0b4e78 May 30, 2019, 8:20 a.m. No.6627351   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7497

>>6626689 (pb)


I saw the posts on the Dershowitz statement on Mueller and thought of a twist on this.


Dershowitz is comparing the Mueller statement to Comey's remarks on the HRC investigation. Comey said things that seemed to make it clear that there was wrongdoing even though there would be no prosecution. Dershowitz criticizes Mueller for doing the same thing, and the facts at least seem to mesh with what Dershowitz is saying.


But… I think that Comey is a total whitehat, and that the public actions regarding the HRC investigations are the STRONGEST evidence of this. I can offer a personal perspective. I had usually voted for DemORCrats in the past when I bothered to vote, but had decided I was done with that and supported Carson at first, and then Cruz. I was NOT a fan of Trump. But the email "coverup" played a YUGE role in turning me towards CLEAR support for Trump and I went out and voted enthusiastically. It was not the only factor, but it was a big one. It also helped drive many towards digging into the HRC emails and the DNC emails, and this is really the groundwork for all of Q.


So… if Comey is a whitehat, and his insinuations of wrongdoing without prosecution were part of the show, perhaps Mueller is in the same role. Here the goal would be to rile up the "resistance" and direct attention to the absurd goal of impeachment.


I haven't delved so much into the Mueller U1 issues or the possible Project Paperclip connections with his family, but I find the fact that POTUS met with Mueller the day before his appointment as Special Counsel quite compelling. I recall one Anon made the suggestion that Mueller was a "zookeeper" meant to keep control of the "angry Democrats" and I could easily see his press conference as fitting with that.

Anonymous ID: 0b4e78 May 30, 2019, 8:54 a.m. No.6627581   🗄️.is đź”—kun


That came on 15 Feb, which was a big marker day in the coordinated Q rollout.

Contrast the cat pic with the plane pic.

Q and Q+

Look at the numbers on the Q posts: 2734 and 2347. Hmmm….

What exactly WILL happen SOON?