Anonymous ID: 2dd17e May 30, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6627101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7128 >>7171 >>7186 >>7248 >>7259 >>7403 >>7422 >>7460 >>7490


Q, There was a time when YOU and us worked together to build the map. The Great Awakening defines the lives and expanded consciousness of long-time anons now. But we also came to expect a decisive resolution to all our efforts. As you said, “The world is about to change.” “Be proud! The World is about to change. Q” (Post 2536, 12/2/18)

Instead we seem to be locked into an ongoing psycho-drama that builds, splits off, entangles in endless complexities, all to no effect. Except to further the causes of the DS and make our work seem fated for futility. We will never reach those who are irrational, unreasonable and hopelessly comfy in their delusions. And they are the majority.

Far from realizing our own historic moment when we would be a calm for others, there doesn’t seem to be any likelihood that their will even be a storm. Just like this summer of continuous lousy weather, the Storm clouds form a depressing overcast with no promise of a major breakthrough.

Why? Did we fail? Are you satisfied with circumstances now? Is this all there is? Your posts used to be filled with encouragement, corrections, guidance, perspective, hope.

I guess digital soldiering has its advantages. You have zero accountability or personal connection to us, plausible deniability to the world and who knows what relationship to POTUS.

Anons can continue indefinitely with our research. The more industrious ones take it further and attempt to gather the results into a format that will facilitate easier access to anons’ work, both for us and for normies.

I think it’s well past time we had a real conversation. Whatever you’re really up to, I think we deserve some explanation. I say all this, still believing the Plan is working itself out, that you are in control and that your intentions are honorable. Current events are no reason to back off. But we need a little more sight and less blind faith at this point.

Drop us a line, mKay? Thanks. Hope the guy from 4chan is right.

Anonymous ID: 2dd17e May 30, 2019, 8:11 a.m. No.6627305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7389






Thanks to you all for your responses. I’m not concernfag, just confusedfag. I actually believe change occurred last spring. Things picked up again until the election, but it was never the same after May. My fav utube channel, Dulcefoe, paused in their videos and they had been the best for adding background info clues. Also ThoughtsNotBots discontinued. Game plans change, that’s okay. We carry on. All’s well that end’s well. Maybe I’m too wary of going off in the wrong direction. Discernment is necessary!

Anonymous ID: 2dd17e May 30, 2019, 8:32 a.m. No.6627436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7477


I know. I pray continually. But I also fight social/cultural battles here at home. And at this point, I am crushed, mentally, physically, spiritually. (((THEY))) are winning. I’m hoping Q’s efforts will impact some of these battles. I have appealed to all the appropriate authorities here and in Washington DC, but get zero response, or worse – can’t help you. Little nobodies just don’t count. Glad for those who are being rescued though.