Anonymous ID: 511b3a May 30, 2019, 7:29 a.m. No.6627065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7183

For anyone looking into the wow signal and reading this guys blog I just wanted to state my position simply because this is all so weird.


I feel like 99% of everything we know is made up horseshit. Science fiction to science fact. Literally damn near everything. I think the Annunaki stuff is a set up for blue beam. I don't buy it. These people are too stupid. They worship a rock but don't want people to know they worship a rock.


I'm not saying other beings don't exist. I have no idea. But I don't believe any of this shit anymore.


For example a couple years ago articles came out debunking the wow signal saying it was from a comet. Shortly after that a bunch of articles came out debunking the debunking. Ha. To me the "elites" werent on the same page. Someone didn't get the memo that it was supposed to be aliens. Of course it was that stupid comet sun they worship but that's the secret. That's the point of the Red Shield. To make sure no "peasants" ever know about the secret star.

They knew. It was named the wow! Signal because when you turn it upsidedown it says mom. The red Queen. The mother of all.


These people are gross and stupid and worship a secret rock as a god. Always have. So I think if aliens or entities are involved in this story they came along fairly recently. All the bloodline stuff is bullshit. Them pretending to be from this other system is retarded and shoes their delusion.


I could be completely wrong. I just think the wizard of Oz is so important to these people because the world is a stage. Everything is fake. We are stuck in Oz and have no idea what's real.


The Wizard of Oz is the devil. Their god. Again delusion. It's a celestial body. It's not "the man in the high castle." It's a huge pile of flaming dogshit zipping around space.


Another name for Enki is EA. EA was always planet Neptune before this Anunnaki stuff.


Same with Vrill. I think it's nonsense. They are obsessed with the letter V so they made some shit up.

They see themselves as magicians. Wizards and Warlocks. And their dark energy comes from the dark Star.

Bullshit. Pedophiles and rapists with no shame and unlimited resources.


Again maybe Im wrong. But I think these people are arrogant and yet so stupid. I can't believe anything they say.