Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 7:28 a.m. No.6627060   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Uranium One Delivery Boy, Mueller, IS Shook!



Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton called for an investigation into Robert Mueller for suggesting “wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation.”


Fitton’s Wednesday night appearance on Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight” comes after the former special counsel delivered prepared remarks regarding his investigation.


“Well, I don’t know what reputation he had that deserved any credence until now, but it’s no longer there,” Fitton told Dobbs. “He’s really destroyed whatever reputation he’s had with this political attack on the president, turning the rule of law on its head, suggesting the president is guilty and, because he can’t prove otherwise, we should conclude that he should be impeached.”


Calling it “an abuse of power,” Fitton said that Attorney General Barr has been “too deferential” to Mueller and should have “shut down” the “report before it was even written.”


“[I]t’s been abuse piled on top of abuse targeting President Trump,” Fitton said. “And this Mr. Mueller, he needs to be investigated as well. The office of professional responsibility should be asking, ‘Why did this Justice Department prosecutor come out and suggest wrongdoing by an innocent person without any foundation?’ Because there is no foundation. If there was a foundation, there would have been indictments or requests for an indictment while highlighting that. Outrageous.”


Dobbs and Fitton discussed the cozy relationship between Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey and the possibility of collusion between the two.


“And this is why there needs to be at least an internal ethics investigation of the way the Mueller operation proceeded and its interaction with some of these witnesses,” Fitton said. “You know, Mr. Mueller, for instance, Strzok was caught red-handed writing these anti-Trump texts, these pro-Hillary Clinton texts. Strzok testified, Mueller didn’t ask him one question about whether or not his anti-Trump hatred influenced the investigation. Mueller was disinterested in that. Isn’t that curious?”


“This was about as political an intervention in our system as any Justice Department employee’s ever done,” Fitton concluded.>Body Language: Mueller & Nadler Press Conference

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6627102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7107 >>7640


Democrats are clearly very worried about President Donald Trump sailing to re-election, so much so they’re coming up with every scheme in the book to reduce his chances of winning.


Several blue states have not only passed bills that would keep President Trump off the ballot if he doesn’t release his tax returns, but some states are also pledging to give their Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote, among other things.

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.6627113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7123 >>7144




FLASHBACK 2013: Largest known rare earth deposit discovered in North Korea

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6627133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7247

KILLARY is pissed!



The Satanic Temple said Tuesday's #SCOTUS ruling violates the Satanic Temple members’ religious liberties by requiring the burying or cremation of the remains of aborted babies.

Via @DailyCaller

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 8:09 a.m. No.6627289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7310

Exclusive – Steve Hilton: Joe Biden ‘Has Taken Billions of Dollars in Bribes from the Chinese Government

Former Vice President Joe Biden took “billions of dollars in bribes from the Chinese government,” Steve Hilton, host of Fox News Channel’s The Next Revolution, told hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak during an interview on Breitbart News Tonight on Tuesday.

On April 28, Hilton laid out details of financial dealings between Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s second son, and foreign governments, companies, and oligarchs.


The Biden family’s financial ties to the Chinese state will become a central election issue if the former vice president secures the Democrats’ presidential nomination for 2020, predicted Hilton.


“If [Joe Biden] is [nominated], it will be the central issue, actually, because there’s no question that the number one strategic priority for the next president will be keeping America ahead in the face of China’s implacable determination to topple the U.S.A. as the world’s superpower,” said Hilton.


Hilton continued, “That is not some scare story. That is what [Chinese officials] have said in their speeches and written in their books. It is very clearly stated.

Their goal is to topple America and take back what they see as their rightful place as the world’s superpower, and they want to do it on their terms.”


“They don’t want to do it by joining our system and beating us at our own game,” said Hilton of China’s geopolitical ambition to displace America as the world’s leading superpower. “They want to change the game. They want to continue with their authoritarian one-party rule system of governance and spread that as an empire all around the world.”


Hilton warned, “They have various plans that they are currently to deliver that: the One Belt, One Road infrastructure initiative, the Made in China 2025 plan to dominate the ten big industries of the future and so on. This is a really serious effort on their part.”


President Donald Trump, assessed Hilton, broke from the status quo of Western appeasement and facilitation of China’s global ascendance.


Hilton remarked, “President Trump is not just the first American president, but the first Western leader in any country in about 50 years to actually wake up to this, recognize, and say, ‘No, we’re not just going to sit idly by and allow China to overtake us and hope that by being nice to them, they’ll play nice with us.’ We know that’s not true.”


“President Trump is playing a heroic role,” determined Hilton. “I think it literally could be the most consequential political decision of the 21st century, and, by contrast, Joe Biden. You use the word ‘compromised.’ That’s the word I keep talking about because on this most central of issues, he is literally compromised. Why? Because he has taken — and I’m going to put it in very strong terms, but I believe it’s completely fair — he personally has taken billions of dollars in bribes from the Chinese government in the form of direct payments to his son’s businesses.”


Hilton recalled, “[Joe Biden] actually traveled to China at a time when China was aggressively maneuvering in the South China Sea, and Japan and our other allies were looking to America to take a tough response, and Joe Biden did the exact opposite. When he went there, with him on that trip — literally flying with him on his official jet was his son Hunter — who then proceeded to ink a whole bunch of business deals, uniquely with the Chinese government, putting money into joint investment funds with an American company that had never been offered to any other company before, to a guy, Hunter Biden, who had never done business in China before [and] had never done business of that kind.”


“There’s no other way to interpret that than as a bribe to Joe Biden,” estimated Hilton, before giving an overview of this week’s forthcoming edition of The Next Revolution.


Hilton shared, “That business still continues, and, in fact, has expanded. We’re learning more about it every day. In fact, this Sunday on my show, I’m going to be doing an update with new information not in Peter Schweizer’s book, about the investments that this joint venture has made and how Hunter Biden and the Biden family business are getting more and more enmeshed in the authoritarian regime in Beijing. So he’s completely compromised, and I think it’s disqualifying. So if he is the nominee, I think this will be the central issue, and I’m certainly going to do my best to make it so.”


“You can be sure that if Biden were elected, he’d go straight back to that policy of appeasement. We now know that part of that is personal corruption,” concluded Hilton.

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 8:18 a.m. No.6627344   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sen. Ted Cruz Taunts Ilhan Omar for Tweet Suggesting ‘Latinx’ Unskilled for Trump’s Merit-Based Immigration

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 8:31 a.m. No.6627421   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Professor who has correctly predicted 9 presidential elections says Trump will win in 2020 unless Democrats impeach

An American University professor who has correctly predicted the last nine presidential elections says President Trump will win the 2020 election unless congressional Democrats, “grow a spine,” CNN reported.


Allan Lichtman, a political historian, said Democrats only have a shot at the White House if they begin impeachment proceedings against Trump, calling the decision both “constitutionally” and “politically” right in the wake of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.


“It’s a false dichotomy to say Democrats have a choice between doing what is right and what is constitutional and what is politically right. Impeachment is also politically right,” Lichtman told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Wednesday.


Lichtman has developed a system of thirteen “key factors” that help determine whether the party in the White House will maintain its hold, according to CNN. The factors range from whether the party has an incumbent president running to the country’s short- and long-term economic conditions to foreign policy successes and failures. If the party loses out on six factors or more, he says they will lose the presidency.


Lichtman says the Trump administration is down three key factors: Republican losses in the midterms elections, a “lack of foreign policy success,” and Trump’s “limited appeal to voters,” CNN reported. Impeachment would trigger a fourth key – scandal over the proceeding’s public nature.


“Let’s not forget, impeachment is not just a vote in the house,” Lichtman said. “It involves public hearings as part of the impeachment inquiry, and, what everyone forgets, a public trial in the Senate in which House prosecutors present evidence, present documents, make opening and closing statements.”


Lichtman cited scandal as a central factor in former Vice President Al Gore’s loss in the 2000 presidential election in the wake of President Bill Clinton’s impeachment process.


"Democrats are fundamentally wrong about the politics of impeachment and their prospects for victory in 2020,” Lichtman told CNN’s Chris Cillizza Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 8:58 a.m. No.6627609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Polis signed legislation that makes it more difficult for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to apprehend suspected illegal immigrants.


Polis signed House Bill 1124 on Tuesday. It bars local law enforcement from arresting or detaining a suspected illegal alien solely on the basis of an ICE request. The legislation also prohibits officers from providing a suspected illegal immigrant’s personal information to ICE, and it requires Colorado police to read illegal migrants their Miranda rights when coordinating an ICE interview, the Denver Post reported.


The law serves as a major setback for federal immigration authorities operating in Colorado.


ICE detainers are requests made by agents to local law enforcement, asking them to detain inmates for up to 48 hours longer than their release date if the individual is suspected to be living in the country illegally. The extra two days gives authorities time to decide if the person should be deported or not.


Immigration rights advocates and other supporters celebrated the signing of the bill.


“Thank you to all of the people who helped to make this a reality and advocate for our immigrant community,” wrote Colorado Democratic state Rep. Adrienne Benavidez, the sponsor of the bill, in a Facebook post Tuesday. “Everyone should have the right to safely and confidently interact with law enforcement without fearing that they may be turned in to the federal agencies.”


“It is thrilling. We don’t have words to express what this feels [like],” stated Maria Mercedes Garcia of the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, according to The Denver Post. “All of our hard work was worth it.”

Anonymous ID: 7a4be8 May 30, 2019, 9:09 a.m. No.6627691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Kennedy assassination ritual was called "the killing of the king"…just sayin'.


RADICAL, ISLAMIC MUSLIM Rashida Tlaib: Enough with this ‘King-Like President’ …Time to Impeach Him Now