Anonymous ID: c0579e May 30, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6627126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165 >>7379


>>6626437 (lb)



Although I agree many are narcissists and basically mouthpieces for those who are even moe dangerous….by nature narcissists can be charming, attractive and will make you feel like you are the answer to their prayer and then if they get found out they will completely do an about face and turn on you, try to discredit and destroy you, but most narcissists are sloppy, irresponsble and do not care about what they have done in the past ie.. Michael Avenatti is the perfect example of a narcissist. Then you have the genius level psychopath who feels no emotion and doesn't care about anything except whatever it is they want, money power etc. Some are inclined to violence but they have no ability to feel emotion at all except some strange form of satisfaction when they get what the want or make someone do what they want. These are the dangerous ones, the ones who will kill without question, abuse those weaker than them and may enjoy such actions, they can destroy an entire country community corp it doesn't matter to them. They usually become extremely successful in business and YES in politics…they are the abnormal ones. Empaths or people who care about everything usually become their servants or victims….