Anonymous ID: c868a0 May 30, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6627118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7175 >>7180 >>7352 >>7604 >>7760

President Donald Trump to issue ‘big-league’ statement on the border


BY KTAR.COM | MAY 30, 2019 AT 6:52 AM

UPDATED: MAY 30, 2019 AT 7:11 AM


President Donald Trump talks with reporters before departing on Marine One for the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony, Thursday, May 30, 2019, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


PHOENIX — Donald Trump is planning to have a “major” statement regarding the border, the president announced Thursday morning.


While being asked questions on special counsel Robert Mueller, Louisiana’s abortion ban and the report that the White House wanted the USS John S. McCain out of sight during the president’s trip to Japan, Trump said he would be giving a statement on the border either later in the day Thursday or Friday.


“This is a big-league statement but we are going to do something very dramatic on the border because people are coming into our country. The Democrats will not give us laws, will not change laws,” Trump said after also saying he would have a statement regarding Louisiana’s abortion ban.


“They will not meet, they will not do anything. They want to have open borders, they want to have crime, they want to have drugs pouring into our country, they want to have human trafficking.”


“We have brought something to the light of the people,” Trump added prior to boarding Marine One for the Air Force Academy graduation ceremony. “They see now it’s a national emergency, and most people agree, the Democrats agree too, but they won’t give us the legislation to fix it. Right now, if you catch somebody, you have to release them.


“They won’t give us the legislation, whether it be chain migration or whether it’s lottery, they won’t give us any and the asylum procedures are ridiculous. no place in the world has what we have in ridiculous immigration laws.”


While the details of the statement were not immediately known, Trump did say that the border would not be closed, but “was doing something else” when asked by a reporter.


The announcement comes after a federal judge blocked the president from building key sections of his border wall with money secured under Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on Friday. Trump pledged to file an expedited appeal of the ruling the following day.

Anonymous ID: c868a0 May 30, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.6627149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7431

The tremendous potential of deepsea mud as a source of rare-earth


Potential risks of supply shortages for critical metals including rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY)

have spurred great interest in commercial mining of deep-sea mineral resources. Deep-sea mud

containing over 5,000ppm total REY content was discovered in the western North Pacifc Ocean near

Minamitorishima Island, Japan, in 2013. This REY-rich mud has great potential as a rare-earth metal

resource because of the enormous amount available and its advantageous mineralogical features.

Here, we estimated the resource amount in REY-rich mud with Geographical Information System

software and established a mineral processing procedure to greatly enhance its economic value.

The resource amount was estimated to be 1.2Mt of rare-earth oxide for the most promising area

(105km2×0–10mbsf), which accounts for 62, 47, 32, and 56 years of annual global demand for Y, Eu,

Tb, and Dy, respectively. Moreover, using a hydrocyclone separator enabled us to recover selectively

biogenic calcium phosphate grains, which have high REY content (up to 22,000ppm) and constitute the

coarser domain in the grain-size distribution. The enormous resource amount and the efectiveness of

the mineral processing are strong indicators that this new REY resource could be exploited in the near


Rare-earth elements and yttrium (REY) are critical materials to many leading-edge technologies due to their

unique physical and chemical properties. Applications of REY span a wide range, including hybrid vehicles,

rechargeable batteries, wind turbines, light emitting diodes, compact fuorescent lamps, screen display panels, and

many medical and military technologies. The industrial utility of REY, especially in renewable energy technologies and electronics, has driven up the demand for the essential metals in recent years. Amid rapidly increasing

global demand for REY, Kato et al.

reported the discovery of REY-rich mud, which has a high total REY cont

Anonymous ID: c868a0 May 30, 2019, 8:54 a.m. No.6627583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Cuba, Private Wi-Fi Has Been Legalised for the First Time Ever


The Cuban Ministry of Communication is looking to make progress of connectivity by legalising import of routers and setting up of private Wi-Fi networks, after introducing 3G mobile internet six months ago.

Shouvik Das | News18.comUpdated:May 30, 2019, 7:10 PM IST

In a land far, far away from the discourse of the open internet, neutrality of communications and fair competition practices, the communist government of Cuba has, for the first time, legalised the usage of routers and private Wi-Fi networks in the island nation. So far, Cuban residents were allowed to use only government-established public internet hotspots, or alternatively, access the internet via the state-run internet cafes or the state-backed 3G internet service.


Till date, setting up a private Wi-Fi network was deemed to be an imprisonable offence. To account for this, the Cuban government had banned the import of any router in the country. So far, the Cuban citizen would hence rely on illegally imported Wi-Fi routers to set up networks that violated the pre-existent government regulations. This has been somewhat of an underground movement in Cuba With the lifting of this archaic ban, the state of connectivity in Cuba is bound to improve, although much would depend on the adjustment of data prices in accordance with the average monthly income.


The move marks a series of recent reforms in a nation that has been left way back in the sands of time. Now, the Cuban government is looking to make amends by slowly opening up the internet to the public, and using the power of communication as means of empowering its citizens. It was only in December 2018, that Cuba sanctioned access to mobile internet for its citizens, through a government-approved 3G internet network. Until then, the only means of going online was via government-established cyber cafes, which too have only been around since 2013.


It perhaps speaks volumes about the world of difference for freedom of communications in Cuba – while internet cafes had already become near-obsolete in metropolitan India, a nation that has for the longest time fallen behind the curve of progress of connectivity, the very first (and considerably slow) public internet networks were introduced via cyber cafes in Cuba in 2013. Even now, although 3G mobile internet has been introduced, there are two factors that would create dispute in any of the leading nations of the world.


For one, they are all run and controlled by Etecsa, the government-run telecom operator, which is also the only network that is allowed to operate in Cuba. Secondly, the cost of connectivity is way too expensive – a 30-day, 500MB 3G internet pack costs ~Rs 500 in Cuba, which is even worse if you consider that the average monthly income of a Cuban resident is ~Rs 3,500. Imagine spending a seventh of your monthly earnings on 500MB of 3G data. In India right now, a telecom pack offering 2.5GB 4G data per day, unlimited messaging and voice calling costs ~Rs 450 for about 75 days.


Nevertheless, the move is a positive one, although Cuba would remain cautious of letting foreign companies setting up shop in the Cuban communications infrastructure. Prior to Google signing a MoU with Cuba's Etecsa for better internet connectivity via public hotspots, the USA had attempted to set up a social network in Cuba, with the general intention of creating unrest and overthrowing the erstwhile Cuban government. With that having backfired, the present regime will remain cautious in terms of the potential of private communication networks in the country.